[Video] 19 Twink WSG Match from Paladin FC PoV - Burning Crusade Era


The Immortal
As the title indicates, today I was moving a bunch of stuff from my old computer to my new one I recently got and I stumbled across some old footage back from the 2008 (Burning Crusade) era of twinking.

I thought it was kind of interesting to watch, seeing how much this game has changed over the years, so I thought I'd edit it down real quick and put it up on YouTube for others to enjoy if they wish. I felt it would be better to upload it instead of throwing it out along with this old hard drive. Don't expect anything too special since the footage is dated and I was just a young twinker at the time.


Video Description:

This video features me flag carrying on my old paladin flag carrier from back in 2008 on the Retaliation Battlegroup. I thought some of you might like to watch some old nostalgic footage of an era many might consider the 'Golden Age' of twinking in World of Warcraft.

Let me take you back to a time when things were a bit more simple. The bracket was much less bursty. There was no timer, so WSG's often raged on for over an hour. There was no cheetah or ghost wolf form. Priests had dispel. Paladins had a long-lasting Blessing of Freedom and Kings. There were no Worgens or Goblins. Hunters were actually tolerable. Rivalries between different Battlegroups still raged on. And back when terrain jumps were cutting edge.

For reference, I am on my 19 blood elf paladin, Dianiap.

Special kudos to the following players in the video:

Iamnowon, Bigblack, and Almightycv -- my fellow guildmates in Hostile.

McGriddle & Shellshocker of 'Border Patrol' from the Alliance side.

And, of course, one last shout out to my old battlegroup of Retaliation from which this game was filmed. This video represents the best times I had in WoW. Hope some of you enjoy the bit of nostalgia like I did.

Note to Moderators: For some reason, I lacked posting privileges in the Videos section, so feel free to move this topic to the appropriate location if desired.
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somebody make a tbc 19 server quickly

also good video. Better fc'ing and jumping than most fcs today.
Excellent movement and character control.

Much better then almost all that play today and this was 3-4 years ago.
Excellent video Painaid! Best FC Druid at 19 till this date.
Excellent movement and character control.

Much better then almost all that play today and this was 3-4 years ago.

Ride that ****.

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