Viable premade strategy

That is not a viable premade strategy.
^Wut that guy said above me.^
saxxsgf #1 feral
8 hunters 2 healers with good focus firing pz.
Real tinks use hit pots.
as i said, its viable, feral druids are underrated. the US people are waiitng for Pizza to tell them before they can say the same, but its definetly viable! a good feral druid removes any chance of a kiting d.

If you're going to insult an entire demographic, then you probably shouldn't head it up with such a boneheaded statement as this.
Feral druids would be more of a problem than hunters or rogues in larger numbers. People are just too retarded to realize their full potential.
I'd make it like :

2 - Disc Priest

1 - Resto Shaman

2 - Holy Paladin (one of them FC'ing)

1 - Frost mage

2 - Hunters

2 - Rogues
If you're going to insult an entire demographic, then you probably shouldn't head it up with such a boneheaded statement as this.

if you could maybe stop insulting random people and try to be useful in a post, that would be awesome, if you would take some time away from calling the bracket and anybody in it trash, i'll theorycraft it for you. just to clarify, this is a viable setup, to the extend that 10 skilled people playing this would roll 10 unskilled players with a bis setup. feral druids are fantastic, if they had an interrupt they would be better than rogues (IMO).
if you could maybe stop insulting random people and try to be useful in a post, that would be awesome, if you would take some time away from calling the bracket and anybody in it trash, i'll theorycraft it for you. just to clarify, this is a viable setup, to the extend that 10 skilled people playing this would roll 10 unskilled players with a bis setup. feral druids are fantastic, if they had an interrupt they would be better than rogues (IMO).

Which they don't, nor do they have a sap. And yea, act condescending toward a good 1/2 or 2/3 of this forum's denizens and you may just get insulted - there is nothing random about it.
i just want to know why you'd have two ferals babysitting combo points for 10+ minutes when to rogues could help there D tell the debuff stacks, then go sap the healers and lolbush the EFC?

explain pl0x.
only someone from EU would say this is a Viable premade setup. sorry but evertthing about this comp screams getting camped in GY for 7 min while other team 3-0s you
2 enhance

2 ferals

1 resto druid (OMG EU RULES R BEST)

2 shadow priests

2 prot pallies

1 fury war
10 locks all aff, all dots hitting at once, with 10 stack debuff or:

10 destro locks, all conflagerating at same time with 10 stack debuff

is a better idea

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