Versa scaleing ??? ONLY LVL 19


So, i'v looked around on the forum for a bit, can't seem to find someone that have done the math on versa scaleing. e.g. heard from someone that 1agi = 2.5versa in pure damage on a 19 rogue, is this true ?
I'm the one that came up with the 2.5 number. Its based on napkin math from tooltips and should NOT be taken as gospel. It only looks at the damage side of things (which makes sense for rogues), and doesn't factor in the damage reduction or healing. Most importantly, it doesn't factor in elemental force.

Its a very general guideline to go off of. 2-3 verse is about 1 agility. Its hard to really get a "true" number since moves scale from AP at different rates (as well as hidden satyr IIRC). We don't necessarily have sims at 19 either, which is how stat weights are usually obtained.

I've considered trying to "sim" a very specific PVP scenario (rogue opener with cheapshot, SS + pistol shot to 5 combo points and then finisher) - but ultimately its waaaaaay too complicated to start from scratch. And the max level sims are too complicated and too far removed from level 19 to really be adapated easily. If someone wants to get more accurate numbers, then the most feasible way to do it is to probably get a few buddies and duel in arenas doing the same exact scenario a ton of times and recording logs. Do it with once set of gear, and then a second set of gear where the only difference in offensive stats is more verse. And then do it again with another set of gear with only extra agility. Then you math it up and figure out the average damage for all 3 sets (base, verse, agility) and compare the increase from verse to the increase from agility.

I don't have the time or patience to do that 10+ times for each set, so napkin math is what we currently have.
Like vers, agil also applies benefit of defense for rogues. Agility adds to your dodge rating. For whatever stupid fucking reason blizzard decided to hide that, it's still a factor that helps your rogues in melee combat.

But imo vers is better if you can get it to a higher ratio. A mix of both is great, too.

Helps to get Deja Stats for these kinds of things.
Similar ratio for Intellect?

I would use 2-3 verse per primary stat. It can definitely change between class/spec based on each ability and how it scales with AP/SP.

If you want to napkin math it, you can do it easily by yourself. First, remove your neck and look at the tooltips of your important spells. Write them down. Next, equip a BoA neck that has the CORRECT primary stat (4 int in this case) and NO verse. Again, look at the tooltips and write them down. Finally, equip a BoA neck that has the WRONG primary stat and VERSE (so the 4agi/5verse neck). Again, look at tooltips and write them down.

Look at the differences between the INT necklace and no necklace. The amount it increases is what 4 int gives you. Then look at the differences between the VERSE necklace and no necklace. The amount it increases is what 5 verse gives you. Each spell can have its own primary stat ratio, so each spell may be different. You'll have 2 equations for each spell, so solve the most important damage ability, or solve all of them and look at the range of ratios.

But basically you'll get something like 4int = 20 more damage and 5 verse = 10 more damage (these number are made up). So 1 int is worth 5 damage, and 1 verse is worth 2 damage. Which means 1 int is worth 2.5 verse.

Its not super accurate. It changes per class/spec and even spell, and it doesn't include elemental force - but its a solid rough idea.

Like vers, agil also applies benefit of defense for rogues. Agility adds to your dodge rating. For whatever stupid fucking reason blizzard decided to hide that, it's still a factor that helps your rogues in melee combat.

But imo vers is better if you can get it to a higher ratio. A mix of both is great, too.

Helps to get Deja Stats for these kinds of things.

+1 for Dejacharstats addon. Every twink who cares about gear should get it.

I don't know that agility adds any appreciable amount of dodge anymore. I remember talking about it near the beginning of the expansion, but I can't remember if it doesn't add it anymore, or if its just absurdly low.
The ratio is never quite fixed though. Versatility provides more damage the more primary stat you have, since it is percentage based
The ratio is never quite fixed though. Versatility provides more damage the more primary stat you have, since it is percentage based

If you do the napkin math using your actual gear set (minus neck), then it should be close enough to your actual stats. But yes, the ratio is not super accurate for a number of reasons.
Vers is a tempo stat. As soon as a few people start stacking, everyone else has to, to keep up with the longevity aspect of the stat.

That's more-so true in arena though with the added dampening effect. So it applies better to the classes that thrive in dampening. Other than that, vers should only be a supplimental stat. Nothing else.
That's more-so true in arena though with the added dampening effect. So it applies better to the classes that thrive in dampening. Other than that, vers should only be a supplimental stat. Nothing else.

Right, hense why you see a lot of people rolling around stacking it. It’s just easier than buying/farming up BIS int stack boes, or be SOL cuz BIS piece is grandfathered. Everyone knows you can get a very nice vers + whatever other secondary you want to stack set, quite easily. It’s the aids of the bracket if you ask me, and should have put a min level on it upon implemented. Liked it much better when it was just crit and haste.

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