EU+US Vent your Legion frustration

I haven't had much of a problem with mana as DPS, besides instances when I'm constantly off-healing, but as an Rsham, it's easy to run out of mana because Healing Surge spam. The only time Discs go oom is in raids/AV. Kinda, sad, because Rshams are probably the only heals that can even remotely compete with Disc heals output.
I haven't had much of a problem with mana as DPS, besides instances when I'm constantly off-healing, but as an Rsham, it's easy to run out of mana because Healing Surge spam. The only time Discs go oom is in raids/AV. Kinda, sad, because Rshams are probably the only heals that can even remotely compete with Disc heals output.
I should mention that my problems with mana are from the point of view of a max level demo lock not a twink. I don't recall having to worry about mana as much on a lower lvl dps caster (except for arcane obviously) but during a few battlegrounds at 110, going oom costed me my life and I admit it's because I'm not used to an inadequate resource that doesn't replenish itself. As whatshisname (can't be asked to scroll up) said, the caster life is not for me this xpac. I've already gone warr\DK and it feels way better to me.
Thanks captain obvious! It's not for everyone I guess.....not being able to use any of your abilities after a few minutes of fighting so you absolutely need to carry mana pots which can only be used on CD. I think the old destro lock mana regen felt the was basically an energy/focus bar which just feels way better than having to life-tap which is almost always sketchy...
Locks have to balance between drainlife and life tap that's why locks have a "higher" skillcap than most other classes
Locks have to balance between drainlife and life tap that's why locks have a "higher" skillcap than most other classes
Ramp up time for demo will be cut back significantly being able to start with 3 soul shards will definitely feel better. Still not a mana user here though.
Ramp up time for demo will be cut back significantly being able to start with 3 soul shards will definitely feel better. Still not a mana user here though.
Yeah I definitely agree that demo lock needs to start with more resources. Especially for 20-29, I can't do much vs a ret pally or something
Just did all the orbs for the Kosumoth the hungering world quest only to find out that Blizzard changed the quest reset to every two weeks. Have to wait until next week for the mount, but at least I'll get it before I let my sub expire.
Leveling a fire mage in valsharah... No space to kite, blink gets me caught in all kinds of tree roots and shit, and flamestrike keeps hitting the branches that get in the view of my camera :^ )
Leveling a fire mage in valsharah... No space to kite, blink gets me caught in all kinds of tree roots and shit, and flamestrike keeps hitting the branches that get in the view of my camera :^ )
My advice is to level as frost and if you really want to play fire, just save your AP items for your felo'melorn. I'd like to add that I did a few skirmishes with a frost mage as a destro lock and I saw that frost really isn't bad at all. The synergy between destro and frost was pretty nice too....DH or outlaw.....didn't matter....they died. Also didn't have to watch mana with the 2nd tier talent....anyways, that's enough of my babbling.
Warlocks have been pretty dumbed down, not a fan of it. 7.1 locks will get life tap at an early level. Zzz
I think Blizzard had it right with locks in mists. Locks went from having an answer to everything to what we have now, but at lower levels at least affliction offers more than a lvl 20 lock has ever far as I know anyways.
I think Blizzard had it right with locks in mists. Locks went from having an answer to everything to what we have now, but at lower levels at least affliction offers more than a lvl 20 lock has ever far as I know anyways.
Yeaaaa mists demo lock root with hand of Guldan was the shit
Fucking pricks who dont give gear they don't need to other group members. A guy literally vendored boots I need right in front of me after I asked him for it. We then group kicked him.
ducking pricks who dont give gear they don't need to other group members. A guy literally vendored boots I need right in front of me after I asked him for it. We then group kicked him.
Ouch. If this was max lvl, I can feel your pain. Gear seems to drop so rarely in Legion dungeons.
Kosumoth the hungering world quest rewards the pet for the 4th week in a row. My lvl 110 destro lock's 11% buffs across the board must have been done by people who don't play the spec. Legion sucks. I'm going back to sleep.
Kicked from the group in mid combat for starting the Headless horseman encounter when I could straight up solo it...

Tank egos man..
1: People in most new content are assholes.... Started a M+4 keystone and as soon as it does the count down my tank goes "HAHAHA FUCK YOU AND YOUR KEYSTONE" and then leaves the group.... knowing i cant search for someone new, and that my kestone would be trashed.

2: FUCK RNG... IMO this is fucking killing what would be a great xpac.

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