Almost Awesome
Ok .. so a grand statement - but a grand idea.
For the past 4 years, I and others have seen the US try to get an active and exciting level 1 guild going. There have been many attempts and few lasting results. What we need is a clean start. This new attempt has been in the works for some time now, and is similar in theory to EU's current project.
The Location: Vek'linash - why this server? It's low populated, it's unique to everyone so we're all starting from scratch, and iIt's a freaking cool sounding server name
The Faction: Alliance - why them? A couple of reasons, but the biggest is that the Alliance twinks have some unique abilities in a group setting. The Draenei heal and the Night Elf Shadowmeld will offer a group advantage.
The Purpose: To do group PVE/PVP. We are going to be group minded. Our "raid" times will include making DK's together, farming bogling roots and other consumables together, doing DMF and other world events together. We will have set times like a normal raiding guild-it's just that our content will look different.
The Guild: I am going to be transferring my guild over there. That will provide us with ample funds and basic equipment to start. I have to wait 7 days for the authenticator deal, but we wanted to get the word out so that you can take advantage of this month's Darkmoon Faire for BoA gear!
The Requirements:
For the past 4 years, I and others have seen the US try to get an active and exciting level 1 guild going. There have been many attempts and few lasting results. What we need is a clean start. This new attempt has been in the works for some time now, and is similar in theory to EU's current project.
The Location: Vek'linash - why this server? It's low populated, it's unique to everyone so we're all starting from scratch, and iIt's a freaking cool sounding server name
The Faction: Alliance - why them? A couple of reasons, but the biggest is that the Alliance twinks have some unique abilities in a group setting. The Draenei heal and the Night Elf Shadowmeld will offer a group advantage.
The Purpose: To do group PVE/PVP. We are going to be group minded. Our "raid" times will include making DK's together, farming bogling roots and other consumables together, doing DMF and other world events together. We will have set times like a normal raiding guild-it's just that our content will look different.
The Guild: I am going to be transferring my guild over there. That will provide us with ample funds and basic equipment to start. I have to wait 7 days for the authenticator deal, but we wanted to get the word out so that you can take advantage of this month's Darkmoon Faire for BoA gear!
The Requirements:
- A level 1. You are welcome to make any kind of level 1, but to do most PVE we are going to be class/race specific (much like a raiding guild). Casters need to be Draenei Mages, Melee need to be be Draenei Warrior/Monk or Night Elf Rogue. If you would rather play a gnome whatever, that's fine too, but our raids will try to be specific for specific purposes (with specific enchants!). All of this means is you might have a couple of level 1s on the server to rotate as the guild needs (again, like a raiding guild).
- A DK (or another toon that you actively level). We all know that much of level 1 twinking has nothing to do with level 1s but rather rests on the shoulders of a higher level. We will need lock summons, higher levels to kill trash and cart people around, etc.
- A consistency. We're not talking 4 nights a week by any means. This is part of previous attempts failures. It might be one specific night every week or two...but you will be expected to show up that night! Also, big twink holidays (Midsummer Festival, Brewfest, etc..) will require additional attendance as we use the buffs to do awesome stuff.
- A great attitude. Drama we don't want...drama we don't tolerate
- A helpful attitude. One idea we have is to make farm nights. As an example, bogling roots are a level 5 quest. So we plan on getting together, having several 5 man parties level up together and do the quest. Mail the roots to the guild bank, delete the characters, and reroll another one. While its boring to do by yourself (trust me I know, I have 30 stacks of Bogling Roots), it's really alot of fun in a group. The same is true with a 39 man raid of level 1s getting Furbolg Bags!
- A basic understanding of level 1 twinking. This is as easy as reading new posts on TI forums and reading a few of the guides here as well.
- A battletag. Even when we're not actively in our guild, we can build our community through CRZ and chat