<Vanilla Vandals> New guild on Grim Batol [Horde]



<Vanilla Vandals> of Grim Batol [Horde] is now looking for more people to join us on a epic adventure through all of the expansions in world of warcraft!

There is currently 10 of us in the guild, some are still leveling while others are getting ready for raids.

We will be locking our xp at 60 and clear all the available content "vanilla" has to offer. When we have finished up all the dungeons and the guild is feeling ready to move on, we will do the exact same thing in "TBC" and so on.

Now, unlike many of the other twink-guilds out there, we DO allow Dk's and Monks. We also dont care if you get a few of the tbc items that is available as level 60, although we would recommend you not to, because this might ruin the fun of getting items from our raids. This also includes boosting your 60 with a higher level toon to get gear.

Please note that these rules may change.

What class you choose doesn't matter, although we are in need of more mages, druids, locks and shamans. :)

We will ofc also be doing pvp events such as gurubashi fights, gathering for duels, wargames and more.

If this is something that would interest you or if you have any questions, please feel free to add my battletag: Vanthx#2666
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That sounds awesome! Ill consider it, i currently have a 60 Shaman named Frostybeard on Aerie Peak, i may be interested in joining! but first, are you guys staying at 60? or leveling past once everyone gets geared?
That sounds awesome! Ill consider it, i currently have a 60 Shaman named Frostybeard on Aerie Peak, i may be interested in joining! but first, are you guys staying at 60? or leveling past once everyone gets geared?

Would be great if you decided to come along! :)

We will be staying at 60 for a good while yes. The plan is to move on to TBC, but not untill the guild members agree to it. We've been talking about it in guild chat for a couple of days now, and we're thinking about leaving atleast one level 60 each and level new toons to 70. So even though we keep moving forward, we can still take a break and just all have fun at our 60's again.

We are not going to rush our way through the expansions. And since we're clearing absolutely everything in each expansion with legit gear (not using any gear or professions from the next expansions), we will most likely not have a too easy time doing all the raids.

Right now we're just focusing on getting more members and helping eachother get to 60 and ready for raiding. Soon we will also have our own Vent/TS server to just hang out in while we are online. So far the chemistry within the guild is great, and I really think this is going to be a awesome guild!

Looking forward hearing from you ingame! :)
If I am not online during the time you want to join, just /who the guild and ask anyone to invite you.
Ah great to know there is a horde guild, maybe we can get get some battlegrounds/pvp going.
Of course I am from Afterlife. I wish the guild the best!! My 60 is in my signature.

Best of luck!:D

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