Vanilla 19 druid FC

for those that don't know:
- van-wow was level-1 thru 60
- van-wow released november 23, 2004 and went thru january 15 2007
- 10-20 was the first original BG bracket in van-wow no one made 19's till the 10-19, 20-29 change
- BC released january 16 2007
- everything after patch 2.0.1 is not van-wow
- although BC is part of the basic game now and no longer sold as a expansion....BC era items/changes are not van-wow
- what occured/changed gear wise in WOTLK and CATA that affect twinks is not van-wow, even if the item was in van-wow like Mystic's Robe - Item - World of Warcraft, stats were not the same back then
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No one really used druids as FCs in Vanilla. They didn't have so many of their iconic FC abilities back then. In fact you were far more likely to see a rogue FC then anything else.

Either way,

Lucky Fishing Hat (once people realized twinks could wear it), otherwise it was Flying Tiger Goggles.
WSG Necklace
Gray Shoulders, then Talbar Mantle once that came out. This was followed by Naxx pads which were either very expensive (we're talking in relative value, a solid amount of Shadowfang's (in the present era) worth at least).
WSG Cloak
Blackened Defias Armor
Scouting Bracers of the Eagle
Twisted Chanter's Staff (so, so rare)
Bandit Gloves of the Eagle
Deviate Scale Belt
Inscribed Leather Pants
Inscribed Leather Boots
WSG Ring
Blood Ring (Seal of Wrynn/Sylv later)
PvP Trinket
Engineering Trinket -> AGM (later)

I also took my own experience (I used to twink in classic).
Spam? only letting my opinion be known..
why take the time to create an "unviable twink"? If i took my time to "help" you understand what gear you would of been wearing 4 years ago.. then i saw you on my team in WSG.. hindering my team because your gear is outdated close to 4 years.. i would want to slap myself for helping you..

Goodluck with your new character youre trying to outdate 4 years

U h8 too much lol, the guy playing the druid is prob more viable than you
No one really used druids as FCs in Vanilla. They didn't have so many of their iconic FC abilities back then. In fact you were far more likely to see a rogue FC then anything else.

Either way,

Lucky Fishing Hat (once people realized twinks could wear it), otherwise it was Flying Tiger Goggles.
WSG Necklace
Gray Shoulders, then Talbar Mantle once that came out. This was followed by Naxx pads which were either very expensive (we're talking in relative value, a solid amount of Shadowfang's (in the present era) worth at least).
WSG Cloak
Blackened Defias Armor
Scouting Bracers of the Eagle
Twisted Chanter's Staff (so, so rare)
Bandit Gloves of the Eagle
Deviate Scale Belt
Inscribed Leather Pants
Inscribed Leather Boots
WSG Ring
Blood Ring (Seal of Wrynn/Sylv later)
PvP Trinket
Engineering Trinket -> AGM (later)

I also took my own experience (I used to twink in classic).

What about a 1h, maybe Face Smasher/Evocater's Blade + Furbold Medicine Pouch?
What about a 1h, maybe Face Smasher/Evocater's Blade + Furbold Medicine Pouch?

because even with those res druids were not FC viable in van-wow and many of the best healer res-druids because mana was a issue back then, pools weren't as huge as they are now, and spirit made more of a difference wore mostly same items as a priest such as:

tree bark jacket
mindthrust bracers
keller's girdle
darkweave breeches
sanguine sandals

even holy paladins wore the 4 blue items above, but and filled in "of the eagle" mail items. problem was that the 4 items were near impossible to farm and very rare/random drops. my friend made his priest and it cost him around 2000G to get those 4 items. until then you used best green drops/quest items

stats were considered over armor, the original Rugged Spaulders, Serpent's Shoulders (they were whites/no stats) had like 4+times the armor of the original Talbar Mantle which was not 54 like shown. rogues warriors etc even considered stats > armor

players used the white shoulders of the time, if they blew their chance to get the talbar mantle due to XP that would be gained or had the ability to NAXX/ZG enchant their white shoulders. deleting and rerolling twinks was not a easy candy mode option as it is now
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because even with those res druids were not FC viable in van-wow and many of the best healer res-druids because mana was a issue back then, pools weren't as huge as they are now, and spirit made more of a difference wore mostly same items as a priest such as:

tree bark jacket
mindthrust bracers
keller's girdle
darkweave breeches
sanguine sandals

even holy paladins wore the 4 blue items above, but and filled in "of the eagle" mail items. problem was that the 4 items were near impossible to farm and very rare/random drops. my friend made his priest and it cost him around 2000G to get those 4 items. until then you used best green drops/quest items

stats were considered over armor, the original Rugged Spaulders, Serpent's Shoulders (they were whites/no stats) had like 4+times the armor of the original Talbar Mantle which was not 54 like shown. rogues warriors etc even considered stats > armor

players used the white shoulders of the time, if they blew their chance to get the talbar mantle due to XP that would be gained or had the ability to NAXX/ZG enchant their white shoulders. deleting and rerolling twinks was not a easy candy mode option as it is now
How exactly does this answer the question?
question: Vanilla 19 druid FC

answer: no such thing
player posting these threads i guess wants to build model cars for a era he did not play with gear that did not exist as it does now. many responding obviously have no clue either

res-druids were healers in van-wow and not viable for FCing, so getting a Face Smasher + Pouch is pointless and your are making a fake FC-druid based on changes/gear that didn't exist in van-wow or in the case of Face Smasher + Pouch is a fantasy...what if? that still wouldn't change the game back then

think about it? what's next........ "what did 19 feral druids gear in van-wow" it's really the same question and answer
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shanker;507779"what did 19 feral druids gear in van-wow" it's really the same question and answer[/QUOTE said:
Thats a good one ;)

But when he asks for a FC druid, vanilla based gear set, you can give him the best gear options, and then point out that they are in no way viable.
Thats a good one ;)

But when he asks for a FC druid, vanilla based gear set, you can give him the best gear options, and then point out that they are in no way viable.

many of the gear items and level options of the time are no longer available....making the cake...a lie
But he asked for a druid FC built based on Vanilla items still obtainable, so I say give him the best options, or don't post in the thread?

This guy was the best fc druid in vanilla and tbc, stopped playing near end of tbc. Unfortunetly the armory doesnt work but i can give a detailed list of gear.

Hat - LFH
Neck - WSG neck
Shoulders - Scouting spaulders with naxx chant
Cloak - PVP Cloak
Chest - Blackened Defias
Bracer - Wrangs of Stam
Wep - Can't actually remember, think it might of been face smasher x)
OH - Pouch
Trinks - agm + insig
Rings - Seal of sylv + Blood ring
Feet - Fishing boots
legs - Darkweave
Belt - SFK Girdle
Gloves - 4/4 scouting eagle

From this list, you can no longer obtain sfk belt, seal of sylv, and naxx chant and fishing boots require higher level. Enjoy.

This guy was the best fc druid in vanilla and tbc, stopped playing near end of tbc. Unfortunetly the armory doesnt work but i can give a detailed list of gear.

Hat - LFH
Neck - WSG neck
Shoulders - Scouting spaulders with naxx chant
Cloak - PVP Cloak
Chest - Blackened Defias
Bracer - Wrangs of Stam
Wep - Can't actually remember, think it might of been face smasher x)
OH - Pouch
Trinks - agm + insig
Rings - Seal of sylv + Blood ring
Feet - Fishing boots
legs - Darkweave
Belt - SFK Girdle
Gloves - 4/4 scouting eagle

From this list, you can no longer obtain sfk belt, seal of sylv, and naxx chant and fishing boots require higher level. Enjoy.

I remember I looked for Wranglers of eagle and stamina for over a year, never got it...
What would an alternative have been for the blackened defias chestpiece?

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