Vanilla 19 druid FC


What kind of gear did they wear?

I currently have Fine Leather Pants, Toughened Leather Armor and Woodworking Gloves, I want to get a gear set similar to a vanilla twink on there just to have for fun, so I'd like to find what I can that isn't grandfathered that I can use.

I'm assuming i'll probably be getting all of the WSG honor gear, but maybe doing something with Furbolg Medicine Pouch would be fun also, this is pretty much just a toon that I'm going to have for fun and looks, not exactly trying to be viable.
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Could you spam somewhere else please?
Spam? only letting my opinion be known..
why take the time to create an "unviable twink"? If i took my time to "help" you understand what gear you would of been wearing 4 years ago.. then i saw you on my team in WSG.. hindering my team because your gear is outdated close to 4 years.. i would want to slap myself for helping you..

Goodluck with your new character youre trying to outdate 4 years
they used to wear, talbar mantle for shoulders (gf) blackened defias chest (gf) either 4/4 scouting gloves of eagle or jutebraid's (gf) and either cresent staff (gf) or assasin's blade / evocator's blade (level 20 now) with furbolg medicine pouch offhand.
Just find a TSS and equip it, would be baws.

Yeah I've been looking for one of those for a long time.

Spam? only letting my opinion be known..
why take the time to create an "unviable twink"? If i took my time to "help" you understand what gear you would of been wearing 4 years ago.. then i saw you on my team in WSG.. hindering my team because your gear is outdated close to 4 years.. i would want to slap myself for helping you..

Goodluck with your new character youre trying to outdate 4 years
I won't be joining your WSG games. Thanks for letting everybody know how negative you are though, as if I don't hear people like you constantly complaining anyways.
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Face smasher is what was BiS back in the day Lucky Fishing Hat, Talbar Mantle, Blackened Defias Chest, Grizzled Boots, Dont remember the rest its been forever.
I won't be joining your WSG games. Thanks for letting everybody know how negative you are though, as if I don't hear people like you constantly complaining anyways.

then what is your reason for twinking? besides you want to blow gold?

Negative? or realistic?
Head : Fishing Hat
Neck : Thick Bronze Necklace
Shoulders : Talbar Mantle (Naxx pads were BiS but they don't work anymore)
Back : Miner's Cloak
Chest : Blackened Defias Armor
Wrist : Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina
Hands : Scounting Gloves of the Eagle
Belt : Girdle of the Blindwatcher
Legs : Scouting Trousers of the Eagle
Feet : Grizzled Boots (Fishing Boots are BiS but can't be equipped anymore)
Ring : Seal of Sylvanas
Ring : Blood Ring
Trinket : Insignia
Trinket : AGM
Mainhaind : Face Smasher
Offhand : Furbolg Medicine Pouch
Spam? only letting my opinion be known..
why take the time to create an "unviable twink"? If i took my time to "help" you understand what gear you would of been wearing 4 years ago.. then i saw you on my team in WSG.. hindering my team because your gear is outdated close to 4 years.. i would want to slap myself for helping you..

Goodluck with your new character youre trying to outdate 4 years

Maybe he wants it for a transmog set
to tell you the truth, there weren't many druids built like they claim in van-wow.

res-druids really became viable thru series of buffs into BC that set res-druids on fire at all levels. making them pretty much LOL-U-CAN'T-KILL-ME class which really peaked at S2 in BC. after that in S2, S3, S4, it was res-druids selling carries in 2's at that time.

in BC that was the same era that res-druid FCs shined, ability to cherry pick 3 talent trees, stack stam fill in rest with intellect and/or + 29 healing enchant on weapon, they were able to heal out insanely and would take 3-4 players to kill at times. bash (stun) was in the bracket at that time in bear form (only form in 19's)

after the WOTLK prepatch they gained huge, they got insta natures grasp, later was buffed to 3 charges of rooting enemy attacking them, travel form, and still were able to cherry pick three talents trees and had glyphs boosting them too.

some pro res druids whined about CATA and blame hunters being OP for not playing. that is a false displacement move on their part and a lie. res-druids lost a ton in CATA, but are still viable at times which some still prove. losing 3 free charges of rooting, strong heals, glyphs, being able to cherry pick and ability to place points in 3 trees to spec out ganxed is what really hurt them and the debuffs when holding the flag for long preiods. prior to CATA pretty much solo OP unkillable and many liked the LOL-kite class.

painaid was able to undo hunter damage with ease and kite hunters down. in WOTLK a rogue did not dare try to take on res druids solo, they would reverse it on you, kill you and leave at full HP.

rogues were best FC in VAN-WOW till the dodge nerfs start rolling. prior to those negated ranged and spell attacks. even in BC many times your FC was a rogue when dodge up to 83% was still possible on a 19
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Head : Fishing Hat
Neck : Thick Bronze Necklace
Shoulders : Talbar Mantle (Naxx pads were BiS but they don't work anymore)
Back : Miner's Cloak
Chest : Blackened Defias Armor
Wrist : Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina
Hands : Scounting Gloves of the Eagle
Belt : Girdle of the Blindwatcher
Legs : Scouting Trousers of the Eagle
Feet : Grizzled Boots (Fishing Boots are BiS but can't be equipped anymore)
Ring : Seal of Sylvanas
Ring : Blood Ring
Trinket : Insignia
Trinket : AGM
Mainhaind : Face Smasher
Offhand : Furbolg Medicine Pouch

Sounds good!
I don't really play anymore I just have a lot of gold i'm using up before I leave for awhile
I'm also looking for Necrology Robes Assassin's Blade Gloomshroud Armor Duskbringer Shadowfang if anybody happens to be selling them relatively cheap.

if you are trying to build model cars (twinks) in a vanilla wow era fashion which you and many are giving info on never played, you need to understand that items like: woodworking gloves, blindwathers girdle, smelting pants, fang chest, fang belt, fang boots, defias gear other than chest, gloves of the fang, venonstrike, fine leather pants etc items were weak greens back then. fine leather pants with 8 stam 4 int was a CATA change...btw making them twink gear..

necrology robe and gloomshroud armor was a level 20 item until CATA also...btw with crappy stats on it even for a res-druid/sham, some of the other items you are wanting weren't 19 twink gear and to top that they weren't 20 twink gear when the bracket started as 10-20.

toughened leather armor did not become druid/FC viable till is was buffed around feb 2009.... patch 3.09 also not a van-wow or BC set item
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Sounds good!

not good, your model would not be accurate

girdle of the blindwatcher was not a worthwhile belt in van-wow, it was buffed to a blue in patch 2.3 in late 2007, along with a fleet of greens.

tarnatula sash, screecher belt (had different stats back then) or 4int/4stam belt is more like what they used
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Head : Fishing Hat
Neck : Thick Bronze Necklace
Shoulders : Talbar Mantle (Naxx pads were BiS but they don't work anymore)
Back : Miner's Cloak
Chest : Blackened Defias Armor
Wrist : Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina
Hands : Scounting Gloves of the Eagle
Belt : Girdle of the Blindwatcher
Legs : Scouting Trousers of the Eagle
Feet : Grizzled Boots (Fishing Boots are BiS but can't be equipped anymore)
Ring : Seal of Sylvanas
Ring : Blood Ring
Trinket : Insignia
Trinket : AGM
Mainhaind : Face Smasher
Offhand : Furbolg Medicine Pouch
I am pretty sure the WSG neck was bis since Thick Bronze Necklace wasn't even in the game (the whole JC profession wasn't, actually).

And what Shanker said.
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yeah no JC's in van-wow and i just noticed miner's, that also was a crappy green that got buffed on patch 2.3 in BC to a blue with 6 stam and became BIS in BC and changed again on CATA prepatch of no longer being of value to druids

WSG cloak was BIS for all casters in van-wow

WSG neck when agility gave dodge and armor to any class at that time and thru BC into WOTLK. this was a discussion/arguement item whether 1 stam was of more value on JC neck vs WSG neck in early pwndepot and TI days
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