Are there any strong usable items or consumables other than the mandatory raid consumables?
To give something back here is my almost completed 111 dh twink ragnaros-Zsíralthough
Yup, they're very hard to notice if you don't know about them. Took me several hundreds runs to see my first. Since then, most I've seen in a run is 4 (only me looking for them, while doing regular runs). They can spawn right next to boat, and there doesnt seem to be a minimal range between them, saw two about 8 yards from eachother.
When looted, everyone nearby will receive 1 dubloon (not sure on max range). It's definetly a solid boost to the average dubloons per run count, which I estimate at 2 from pouches/satchels/sacks, and ~1.5 from lootable ones.