
Here's a quick list of add-ons that you may find beneficial to your gameplay.

SmartTabTarget - automatically switches your tab-targetting between "nearest enemy" and "nearest enemy player" based on your PvP status.

SafeQueue - It removes the "Leave queue" option when bg pops, therefore you are never able to accidentally decline a queue.

BattlegroundTargets - A Friend-Enemy-Unit-Frame for battlegrounds.

Recount - Recounts dmg/healing/dispells etc.

Saysapped - When sapped, it says sapped. self explanatory.

OmniBar- Tracks enemy cooldowns

Bartender - Not a BG specific addon, but does allow for you to create your own bar setup, and remove annoying blizzard art from the bottom of your screen.

Quartz - shows cast bars.

OiLvL - Shows item levels of characters, as well as displays the digits of the item level in the character info screen.

NugComboBar - A combo bar that you can move wherever on your screen so that you can monitor how many combo points you have more easily.

GladiatorLoSA - A voice alert of enemy CD's used.

Tidy plates - customization for name plates.

Hope this helps and you find a few here worth using.



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