WTT Shadowfang+ More
Hey I am on the lookout to trade for a Reins of The Spectral Tiger the 60% speed version, the 100% would be waaaay to expensive. I am on Lothar Horde Side. I have some gold but would mainly would like to be trading my twink items for this mount. If deal is good enough I may be willing to transfer. Some of my collection is below...
6 Stamina Cloth Boots x3
Staff of the Blessed Seer x3
Hook Dagger of Healing (4sp) x5
Shimmering Trousers of Healing (9sp) x2
Tree Bark Jacket
Silver-linked Footguards x2
Gloves of the Fang x6
Starsight Tunic x2
Twisted Chanter's Staff x4
Scouting Gloves of the Eagle (4/4) x4
Gneenweave Sash of Fiery Wrath (9sp) x3
Redbeard Crest x4
Darkweave Breeches
Mindthrust Bracers x2
Keller's Girdle
Scouting Gloves of the Falcon (4/4)
Thorbias Guantlets x3
Blood Ring x3
Night Reaver x2
Night Watch Shortsword
Shimmering Trousers of Fiery Wrath (11sp) x2
Forest Buckler x5
Meadow Ring of the Tiger (3/3) x2
Meadow Ring of the Falcon (3/3)
Shimmering Bracers of Fiery Wrath (tsp)
Massive Battle Axe of Power (16ap) x2
Viridian band of Intellect (5int)
Bandit Jerkin of Power (16ap)
Approx 1400 Exploding Shot
Approx 400 Feathered Arrow
Scouting Trousers of the Eagle (5/5)
Evocator's Blade
Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina (5stam) (already 9stam enchanted)
Wranglers's Wristband of Healing (6sp)
Greenweave Bracer's of Stamina (4stam)
Greenweave Bracer's of Healing (5sp)
Witching Stave
Grunt's Legguards of Power (16ap)
Feet of The Lynx
Scouting Trousers of Power (16ap)
Pagan Mitts of Fiery Wrath (9sp)
Meadow Ring of the Monkey (3/3)
Staff of the Friar
Plus many many other items and items that are imperfect such as rigid gloves (1 less armor than scouting gloves)
plus more items on other servers such as perfect grunts shield of blocking, 1 or 2 more TBJ, 3/3 eagle wrangs, 5 str mail bracers, and 4/4 eagle cloth gloves
Hey I am on the lookout to trade for a Reins of The Spectral Tiger the 60% speed version, the 100% would be waaaay to expensive. I am on Lothar Horde Side. I have some gold but would mainly would like to be trading my twink items for this mount. If deal is good enough I may be willing to transfer. Some of my collection is below...
6 Stamina Cloth Boots x3
Staff of the Blessed Seer x3
Hook Dagger of Healing (4sp) x5
Shimmering Trousers of Healing (9sp) x2
Tree Bark Jacket
Silver-linked Footguards x2
Gloves of the Fang x6
Starsight Tunic x2
Twisted Chanter's Staff x4
Scouting Gloves of the Eagle (4/4) x4
Gneenweave Sash of Fiery Wrath (9sp) x3
Redbeard Crest x4
Darkweave Breeches
Mindthrust Bracers x2
Keller's Girdle
Scouting Gloves of the Falcon (4/4)
Thorbias Guantlets x3
Blood Ring x3
Night Reaver x2
Night Watch Shortsword
Shimmering Trousers of Fiery Wrath (11sp) x2
Forest Buckler x5
Meadow Ring of the Tiger (3/3) x2
Meadow Ring of the Falcon (3/3)
Shimmering Bracers of Fiery Wrath (tsp)
Massive Battle Axe of Power (16ap) x2
Viridian band of Intellect (5int)
Bandit Jerkin of Power (16ap)
Approx 1400 Exploding Shot
Approx 400 Feathered Arrow
Scouting Trousers of the Eagle (5/5)
Evocator's Blade
Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina (5stam) (already 9stam enchanted)
Wranglers's Wristband of Healing (6sp)
Greenweave Bracer's of Stamina (4stam)
Greenweave Bracer's of Healing (5sp)
Witching Stave
Grunt's Legguards of Power (16ap)
Feet of The Lynx
Scouting Trousers of Power (16ap)
Pagan Mitts of Fiery Wrath (9sp)
Meadow Ring of the Monkey (3/3)
Staff of the Friar
Plus many many other items and items that are imperfect such as rigid gloves (1 less armor than scouting gloves)
plus more items on other servers such as perfect grunts shield of blocking, 1 or 2 more TBJ, 3/3 eagle wrangs, 5 str mail bracers, and 4/4 eagle cloth gloves