US wts; various 19 twink items on kelthuzad alliance

wts; various 19 twink items on kelthuzad alliance

most of these items r fairly useless

2x assn blade

goblin mail legs

woodworking gloves

foremans gloves

foremans legs

4x thorbias gauntlets

2x magefist gloves

4x firebane cloak

darkweave breaches

goblin screwdriver

silver linked footguards

not xfering
blueisbetterthanyou said:
i sold the legs =(

ill sell everything for 20$ worth of gold from offgamers

shit i meant 10$ but w/e

10$ worth of gold from offgamers for;

2x assn blade

woodworking gloves

foremans gloves

foremans legs

4x thorbias gauntlets

2x magefist gloves

4x firebane cloak

darkweave breaches

goblin screwdriver

silver linked footguards

also just in case someone decides to randomly buy gold(idk why anyone would before talking to me first) i need the gold on bonechewer horde

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