US WTS lots of twink items, including Shadowforge Bushmaster

WTS lots of twink items, including Shadowforge Bushmaster

Liquidambar on Proudmoore Alliance is selling a variety of rare and somewhat rare twink and misc. items. Contact me here or through in-game mail. Sorry, not willing to transfer.

  • Staff of Jordan (newly added)
  • Corpseshroud (newly added)
  • Basilisk Hide Pants x7
  • Sparkleshell Mantle x4
  • Forest Tracker Epaulets x7
  • Expert Goldminer's Helmet x3
  • Obsidian Cleaver x3
  • Silvershell Leggings x2
  • Glowing Brightwood Staff x2
  • Nightblade x2
  • Eyegouger
  • Crushridge Bindings x2
  • Spirewind Fetter x2
  • Tigerstrike Mantle x2
  • Boots of Avoidance x4
  • Troll's Bane Leggings x9
  • Dazzling Longsword x4
  • Monolithic Bow x2
  • Glowing Magical Bracelets
  • Wolffear Harness
  • Swampwalker Boots
  • Wrangler's Wristbands of Stam (+5) x2 -- sold
  • Wrangler's Wristbands of Healing (+5 SP)
  • Wrangler's " of the Monkey (3/3)
  • Wrangler's " of Power (+10)
  • Wrangler's " of the Owl (3/3)
  • Wrangler's " of Int (+5)
  • Shadowforge Bushmaster
  • Bloodrazor
  • Adventurer's Pith Helmet
  • Ginn-su Sword x2
  • The Butcher
  • Ring of Precision
  • Stonevault Bonebreaker
  • Speedsteel Rapier
  • Soulcatcher Halo
  • Kang the Decapitator x2
  • Flintrock Shoulders x2
  • Petrolspills x2
  • Slimescale Bracers x2
  • Chan's Imperial Robes
  • Ribsplitter of the Eagle
  • Shovelphlange's Mining Axe
  • Legguards of the Vault x2
  • Underworld Band x2
  • Gloves of Holy Might x5
  • Freezing Shard
  • Night Reaver
  • Magefist Gloves
  • Blade of Hanna
  • Teebu's Blazing Longsword
  • Lady Maye's Pendant
Just a friendly FYI, Silvershells aren't worth as much due to the Elemental Rockridge Leggings (I believe they are called).
How much you want for your wrangler's?

and @Pezin, does this Inrook have any shadowfangs or wrangler's for sale?
Ogsir said:
How much you want for your wrangler's?

and @Pezin, does this Inrook have any shadowfangs or wrangler's for sale?

Inrook's stash is my stash :). Both my stam wrangler's have been purchased. I have no SF's on me. Generally been selling my wrangler's for 250-400g. I can negotiate. FYI i just acquired Wrangler's Intellect (+5).
Haunted said:
mother of god do u sleep or just stand in the ah all day...

Learn Auctioneer in detail, and it makes life easy. Get to know all the settings. mess with the custom searchers and filters, including Snatch. Once you develop a robust item history, and you get into a rhythm, you can check the AH in about 5 minutes. I do this several times day.
Ogsir said:
O nice.

Yup too late for me, but ill pay 90g for your wrang of int?

If you really want to transfer for wrangler's of int, come on over and I'll sell it to you for said price. (unless you already have a toon locally). Seems like a relatively small item to justify a transfer though.

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