US WTS account.


WTS account.

No twinks but, 90% of the herilooms to make a nice 19 twink. 2 85 mains both geared with 4.1 raid content.ên/simple (This toon is tri-geared Ret,Holy and Prot.)ôm/simple (Not much to look at but, there are some of the herilooms on the account.)

USD amounts only please or RSGP (runescape gold)

Here are some of the other toons:ê/simpleêr/simple (Just a bank toon with own guild bank 3 tabs, not sure what is in it if anything at all.)
Easy way, search the toons in the armory. All on Uldaman Alliance:

Sargentfc 85 pally

Wôrgên 85 druid

Majôrdôôm 76 DK

Kitê 58 hunter

Lolmagelol 40 mage

Stabnhide 40 rogue

There is something like 10k or better on the account it has 0 game time so not sure on the actual number.
Personally I would create nameless armory links and post them up and dont include your character names in the post :D
I'm not worried about Blizzard trying to ban me anyone can post armory links and plus I have an auth on the account until its sold. :)
Yes, but if someone BUYS it and then it gets banned because Blizz happened to be checking this stuff out, then you'd be the one responsible for making things right. I'd highly recommend removing the exact info and putting up masked armories. It's more of an incentive to buyers as well if they know that there's less risks.

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