US WTB Teebu's Blazing Longsword

WTB Teebu's Blazing Longsword

Offering 15,000g if you transfer to me on Nathrezim with it.

Please contact me in game or via the mail to discuss. Usually on as Buak or Yuck.

10k if you x-fer to me :p
I got tons of wow gold but not much rl cash until the end of the month which is why im looking for someone to transfer to Nathrezim with it. Please hop on there and gimme a msg on Buak or Yuck if you think you could transfer to me. I could go a bit higher than 15k i guess!
Nathrezim is in Reckoning BG correct? Toss me a PM, i may toss a 39 over there to try for better queues and I'll bring my Teebu's along with it.
9k if you xfer to me, mine has mongoose on it.
it does


oh and i hear the guy who's selling it for 9k, Sold a item for 20k~, the person went to trasnfer it to his toon cross faction, and the seller ninja'ed it. Reliable source too. ><
Wrong sir, Exec looks sick on that sword... Oh, thats right, Teebu's isn't for epeen.
I normally don't like to troll/bitch but DANG THAT WAS A FAIL ATTEMPT at avoiding my post

By the way, to the person intrested in buying the Teebu's I'd love to sell it for 9k~ at the end of the month if you still wanted to do that, It might not be on medivh anymore (blackhand maybe instead) but I'd hold it for ya :)
Yeah i bought mine for like 200g with +sp on it. And i only bought it to use it on my level 70 banker and I ended up not equiping it.
That's not what i meant/said >< Maybe what i heard wasn't true, but who i heard it from i'm pretty sure.

Read my first post over again

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