WTB Pendulum of Doom, and other items...
I'm buying the following items on the server Baelgun - Horde side (I'm not able to xfer, but will pay extra gold in order for you to do so):
Pendulum of Doom x1
Leguards of the Vault x1 (not worth you xferring for)
Vendetta x1
Shadowfang x1
I'm willing to buy them via the neutral AH if you're an ally, and I'll pay the 15% fee neutral AH fee. Whisper me in-game on Wholesale, send me mail if I'm not online, or simply post here if you are looking to sell any of the items listed above. I'm paying VERY WELL for every item listed above.... we'll go into further details once we're in contact.
I'm buying the following items on the server Baelgun - Horde side (I'm not able to xfer, but will pay extra gold in order for you to do so):
Pendulum of Doom x1
Leguards of the Vault x1 (not worth you xferring for)
Vendetta x1
Shadowfang x1
I'm willing to buy them via the neutral AH if you're an ally, and I'll pay the 15% fee neutral AH fee. Whisper me in-game on Wholesale, send me mail if I'm not online, or simply post here if you are looking to sell any of the items listed above. I'm paying VERY WELL for every item listed above.... we'll go into further details once we're in contact.