US WTB 49 caster items


WTB 49 caster items

Hey, i'm looking to get the following items for my 49 priest. I would like to get all the items from the same server (i'll transfer to you) and on Horde side unless you are willing to put the items on the neutral AH. I am on Detheroc server atm.

Soulcatcher Halo,

Chan's Imperial Robes,

Mindseye Circle

If you have what I am looking for hook a brother up..
original post edited... I'm on Detheroc, horde.

Are you willing to put on the neutral AH, if so what are your prices?
I had all 3 of those but equipped my Mindseye last night. I've still got the other 2 unbound. US Spinebreaker horde.
iaccidentallytwink said:
I had all 3 of those but equipped my Mindseye last night. I've still got the other 2 unbound. US Spinebreaker horde.

what are you looking to get for the chest and helm?
I once again have access to a Soulcatcher, Etnie, if you're still interested.
iaccidentallytwink said:
I once again have access to a Soulcatcher, Etnie, if you're still interested.

I'm interested but I want all 3 items and really dont want to transfer to 3 different servers to get them. Hows the que's for 49's on that server/battlegroup?
I have Soulcatcher Halo and Mindseye Circle on Lightninghoof Alliance. Look me up in-game if interested. Thanks.

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