US Spellshocks and more for sale!

Nedia said:
If you weren't playing Runescape then why was some guy in BL vent claiming you gave him a ton of items on random servers for his old Runescape account (around the same time as you lied about buying my lens)?

I got some acc from him, played for about 1 week, realized how boring it was, and gave it to a friend IRL who still plays.
Jurugar said:
when did this turn into a flame thread?

Id buy the spellshocks but im super poor atm =\

Nedia said:
Morroz is extremely overpriced as always and continues to lie about selling things for 5x their normal price, this is nothing new people. He'd flood the Kilrogg AH with items 2-3x the price of other auctions and then lie about them selling (in reality they'd just expire). He just buys/sells gold and then buys crap on Runescape, personally I wouldn't buy anything from him (even if it was a fair price) as he'll just use the money to rip off even more people.

edit: oh yeah and he's mental and refused to play his rogue because he had 8/8 monkey gloves and a 34 stam lens instead of perfects (2 stamina more)

Question answered

btw nedia's in his own little world, and im not going to interupt that, but i'd prefer if he respected my asking of him to kindly leave the thread :)


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