US Spellshocks and more for sale!

Spellshocks and more for sale!

Aegwyyn Horde


Spellshocks: 27500 have 35 sp 20 st legkit so no worries when attatching!

Hot shot's 9500

Green lens of whale 10/16/16 7000

Green lens of Eagle 10/16/16 11500

Other stuff as well, Like... Teebu's... 3/3 wranglers... Possibly my shadowfang/assassins. Etc! Whisper me But first 4 listed are rarest probably

Also got petros... etc
I may want to buy those spellshocks, where can I find you these days?
Prettypwnie said:
I may want to buy those spellshocks, where can I find you these days?

Morroz said:
Aegwyyn Horde


I'm really not trying to be rude, but It seems to me that you didn't read his post.
Even tho the prices are quite higher than normal i can understand 27k for legs and 9k for gloves...BUT

"Green lens of whale 10/16/16 7000

Green lens of Eagle 10/16/16 11500"

7k for of the whale? lol wtf who would even want them?

As for of eagle is nice, but 11k? thats just a joke....
I got a 10KG buyer for eagle lens, Or did, He decided not to buy cause of the hassle he was ally side and what not, I still got other potential buyers for 10k on that.

7k for a perfect whale isnt a bad price, I've seen them sell as much as 10k

i really dont think anyone can tell me how to price blue weps/armor. It really bothers me when they try, Because I got more experience in that catergory than almost anyone. If you want to tell me my prices are incorrect or whatever, Go ahead, just make sure your right/ It's a mat or something not a wep/armor :)
The reason Green Lens of the Whale is such a joke is because why would anyone want "of the whale" when there is of the eagle.

Of the whale is gross, and garbage. Minds well get of the wolf cuz we all know agi/spirit is the way to go.
Ninjato said:
The reason Green Lens of the Whale is such a joke is because why would anyone want "of the whale" when there is of the eagle.

Of the whale is gross, and garbage. Minds well get of the wolf cuz we all know agi/spirit is the way to go.

Once again you fail at trolling me =\

Nicest way to put it... wolf is the best agi/stam Headpiece for a rogue. Before you troll me know what your talking about, please. Thanks!

Relolas said:
how much for the shadowfang?

gave it to a friend... kinda... traded =P
Morroz said:
Once again you fail at trolling me =\

Nicest way to put it... wolf is the best agi/stam Headpiece for a rogue. Before you troll me know what your talking about, please. Thanks!


Psst, agi/stam is monkey...
Ohpee said:
Psst, agi/stam is monkey...

Pst green lens of wolf is 10stam, 16 agi, 16 spirit. 10stm/16agi>12/12 monkey
Pst green lens of wolf is 10stam, 16 agi, 16 spirit. 10stm/16agi>12/12 monkey

Nicest way to put it... wolf is the best agi/stam Headpiece for a rogue. Before you troll me know what your talking about, please. Thanks!

Remind me again, how is 10 stam 16 agi/spirit better than 26 stam 16 agi for a rogue?

Ill be less sublte next time i suppose.

[edit] And if the next words out of your mouth are "but you cant make monkey anymore" well you cant make anything but wrath/healing/regen ones anymore soooo mute point ftw?
I dislike people who rudely "correct" others when their own information is wrong. I also dislike people who try to use words outside of their vocabulary range (mute point ftw my friend).

Monkey never actually existed, it was a bug/exploit early on where people would contact GMs claiming to have lost their Green Lens of the Monkey when in fact they only destroyed an ordinary green lens. The item has a tag in the wow database, but it never actually awarded the stats.

So wolf IS the best agi/stam helm in the bracket.
Thank's Jurugar, I've been gone for a while.

still for sale, and Ohpee and Simmilar's please only post in this thread if you have any idea what your talking about


Morroz is extremely overpriced as always and continues to lie about selling things for 5x their normal price, this is nothing new people. He'd flood the Kilrogg AH with items 2-3x the price of other auctions and then lie about them selling (in reality they'd just expire). He just buys/sells gold and then buys crap on Runescape, personally I wouldn't buy anything from him (even if it was a fair price) as he'll just use the money to rip off even more people.

edit: oh yeah and he's mental and refused to play his rogue because he had 8/8 monkey gloves and a 34 stam lens instead of perfects (2 stamina more)
Wtf? Loooooool

Nedia i hate you, you hate me. And I made 5-10k every time i posted auctions then gave it away to help PH and just cause you were an ass to me i didnt help

I dont play runescape(anymore, at least), and I played my rogue, In the morning.

Thank you for your comments, again another worthless comment by someone who has absolutely no clue what they are talking about stated in my above post^^^

edit: Nedia's also pissed cause i decided not to buy his lens... lol... Cant force me to buy anything? I told you 1 week after i didnt want to buy it but for some reason you thought i did... haha
Morroz said:
Wtf? Loooooool

Nedia i hate you, you hate me. And I made 5-10k every time i posted auctions then gave it away to help PH and just cause you were an ass to me i didnt help

I dont play runescape(anymore, at least), and I played my rogue, In the morning.

Thank you for your comments, again another worthless comment by someone who has absolutely no clue what they are talking about stated in my above post^^^

edit: Nedia's also pissed cause i decided not to buy his lens... lol... Cant force me to buy anything? I told you 1 week after i didnt want to buy it but for some reason you thought i did... haha

I don't hate you, I just don't understand why you constantly lie about things (like Phauren). If you made 5-10k gold every time you listed auctions, why did they all get to "short" and disappear as well as the MUCH CHEAPER auctions of the SAME ITEM not selling as well? Also don't forget how you always never had any gold and constantly asked for people to save you things they had for sale. All you gave to PH was 1 bank tab which at first was for your personal use only and you pissed off half of the twinks on the server. You played BGs a few times on your rogue and flat out refused to even try arena (since you were bad).

You didn't tell me until about 3 weeks after you offered to buy it. At first you said you'd have to sell things since you had no gold (as always). A week later you told me you still didn't have any gold so I waited a 2nd week and still no luck. At that point you weren't logging on more than once every 3-4 days and not even listing auctions/posting to sell things on the forums since you were too busy with Runescape.
Nedia said:
I don't hate you, I just don't understand why you constantly lie about things (like Phauren). If you made 5-10k gold every time you listed auctions, why did they all get to "short" and disappear as well as the MUCH CHEAPER auctions of the SAME ITEM not selling as well? Also don't forget how you always never had any gold and constantly asked for people to save you things they had for sale. All you gave to PH was 1 bank tab which at first was for your personal use only and you pissed off half of the twinks on the server.

You didn't tell me until about 3 weeks after you offered to buy it. At first you said you'd have to sell things since you had no gold (as always). A week later you told me you still didn't have any gold so I waited a 2nd week and still no luck. At that point you weren't logging on more than once every 3-4 days and not even listing auctions/posting to sell things on the forums since you were too busy with Runescape.

I wasn't playing runescape, i was playing Xbox live, first of all. Secondly, Leave my thread, or talk to me in private message/ingame if u must. 3rd of all, I bought a pod for 5k first, then naxx, then i was going to buy ur lens but i decided not to.
If you weren't playing Runescape then why was some guy in BL vent claiming you gave him a ton of items on random servers for his old Runescape account (around the same time as you lied about buying my lens)?

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