US servers - 49 ËœRevivalËœjoin now!


Hello twinks! Well as the topic title says I'm looking to bring back this bracket witch used to be so good at 49. The items we have avaible for 49 are pretty nice since cataclysm - not as it were in BC but - as the BiS gloves from Winterspring, the PC purple items witch give alot of stamina, the crit/hit that is easilly obtaineable with many options, and the reputation items such as diplomat's - Tabulk mount for levels 40, the Felwood/Winterspring furblogs reputation trinket (hits for 160 aprox. and eventually heals for 650-850) , etc - The event witch I hope that happen is going to be in US servers IF it happen. So I need your help with it, Im willing to make twinking guild in Icecrown - US server to help everyone over with gear, quests or info. Our focus will be simple Battlegrounds such as WSG since it requires fewer people than the others. As we get people I'm willing to organize Arathi, EoE and arenas - I also have friends in horde side to help us over with it.

Anyways as soon you are in US you can join us, and maybe if many people get to a same server we will move there. For more information ADD me on real ID : As the topic bumps I will be adding new stuff to help you decide.

To join us all you have to do is: Post here with avaibility, toon name, server, and ADD the E-mail I said before. E.c:

Gabsansa, 49 twink hunter, Icecrown - US - Can play ... with you and want to join your guild.

OBS: Starting with ally --

You can reply this in the thread, as we grow, one webstie will be made and our initial time will initially be from 7:00 to 9:00PM east it may change as people need

Thanks for reading and enjoy ! Gabsansa, 49 twink hunter ;)
I'm glad you have a major interest in U.S. 49s, Gabshooter. And apparently, the bracket needs to step up its chatter, because 49s are alive and well! 49s were the first midbracket to revive in Cataclysm, and other than a three week hiatus last month, we get games three nights a week. Obligatory WoW forum thread link:

49's! Mon/Thur/(Fri)*/Sat 10pm EST / 7pm PST - Forums - World of Warcraft

Games officially start 10pm EST/7pm PST Monday/Thursday/Saturday. Boulderfist currently has the strongest 49 population in the US (we just did some wargame arenas tonight).

We use to help get pops, and that site also has the information for using Teamspeak for live chat. It's weird that 49s don't use ventrilo, but Teamspeak was such an easy download and setup, that I've grown to prefer it.

The main thing to know about 49 games themselves is that the bracket hits really hard. With the berzerker buff, I've seen players crit for 3.3K. I recommend a minimum of 4K health until you get used to the dynamics of the bracket. My healer sits at 4.6K.

49s are a really friendly bunch -- definitely stop by the WoW thread to get more information.
F yeah 49s, bump.

Also I think you mean 3300 minimum. My lock gets around with 3450 before buffs as Aff with non-gf'd bis, then again we do take 25% less damage consitently.

Boo Relics/Shields.
I would say 3500 absolute minimum for health. Maybe with the exception of mages and their tools to get out of trouble situations.
roudy said:
ive debated off and on checking out this bracket, the gear just looks like a huge pain in the ass, brd is fun about once

Not gonna lie, it is a huge pain in the ass. And you're gonna want most of it before you get on the field. I just got my BiS gloves for my FC druid, and got lucky that it took less than 20 runs. I laughed at Gabshooter's sig, because my resto shaman did over 30 Rings of the Law in BRD to get the damn belt to drop -- I know that pain. But that said, I think that's part of why the 49 community is supportive and outgoing. 49s know how much time and effort it takes just to get to a point where your toon is geared enough to start playing. Then, the real learning starts. Old battleground hero habits beat you down and kill you as many times as it takes to start picking up new habits that improve your game. Battlefield awareness, focus fire, cross-coverage of starts to come together.

As for minimum health, yes, damage mitigation can be part of that 4K minimum health. But that is a minimum. More experienced 49s do trade in some health for higher damage output, but similar to what Taitaih said, you'll really need to know the tools and be fast on the draw to get you out of trouble. Even after getting to know the bracket, many players still hang on to 4.2K or 4.3K, because the extra second of time that buys them is enough to turn the tide.
ring of lawl indeed. going all the way back to vanilla when i wanted it on my 60 warrior
are hunter's op in this bracket? i really want to twink another hunter but there frowned upon in the lower brackets. if hunters are op/frowned upon i may roll a disc priest.
roudy said:
are hunter's op in this bracket? i really want to twink another hunter but there frowned upon in the lower brackets. if hunters are op/frowned upon i may roll a disc priest.

Hunters can be strong, but I don't think they're OP. We have a couple hunters who play regularly.

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