US Price Check, Blackened Defias Leggings.

Price Check, Blackened Defias Leggings.

Need a quick PC thanks. Seriously, I'm fully unaware of this one, thinking about the fact that it's GF'd but not BiS on the other hands, what do you guys think it goes for, same for the defias belt nowadays, thanks
Its not GF'd afaik, i personally farmed one successfully 3 months ago:

Blackened Defias Leggings, took from my rogues activity history, u can go and check by urself as well, dont hate me tho.
All good, what's about the belt? (PC wise) Thanks for the information
Legs are probably worth a few thousand since it takes a lot to farm them up. Belt, I honestly have no idea. I know there's a lot still floating around in gbanks. Your best bet would be finding a buyer who wants to finish up an RP set and is willing to pay well. In those scenarios the price is highly variable.
the belt i would say 150g. legs 350 at max imo. but the gloves can sell for way more because they are the same stats as bristlebark ones
Like anything else, the worth is determined by how much the purchaser is willing to pay. Sold a legs recently for 4k, and 2 pr of gloves at 2k each. The 2 piece bonus is a decent armor increase for possible FC sets, especially considering you can place a +24 armor patch on legs. Don't believe the belts move much, as the random bandit belt is better.
Randythehero said:
the belt i would say 150g. legs 350 at max imo. but the gloves can sell for way more because they are the same stats as bristlebark ones

Legs are BiS if you have Defias Gloves for FCing Hunters, Druids, ect. because of the set bonus. So the legs would probably go for more then 350.

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