HAHAHAHAHA healer being "mongoloid" k mate what do u play ? feral ? LMAO. Just sit down u fat fucking hamburgermuncher, dont wanna make that life support break right?Ok got some corrections here, a new one
If you are a ubermensch european you should always either play something something m0nGOloID like a healer or warrior. Period.
arent you actually a really fat ginger? dont be bitter please xxWhy would I play feral..or retail thats like disrespecting myself LOL. All my EU experiences are based on Nost, read the previous page(plus my EU guide!) . I farm all EU w/ my amerifat ping.
Now waiting inc many autismo gang backpedler 4chan fedora europeans to defend their AryAN homeland.
you. can. not. kill. me. eu. shitters. go. play.heals
Y im no gingerarent you actually a really fat ginger? dont be bitter please xx