US Buying Vendetta

Buying Vendetta

Hey, I'm buying a [item=776]Vendetta[/item] on the server Baelgun, Horde side. I'm not looking to xfer, but I'm willing to adjust the price accordingly if you xfer to me. Please post prices here. If you would like to contact me about selling the weapon, then please post here, PM me, or send in-game mail to Wholesale on Baelgun. I will check both my character's mail, and this thread quite frequently for interested sellers.
I have one but it's going to take a mighty offer since I'm making my own 29.
I already got a 3k offer from my server and turned it down. I'm aware that for Vendetta that's a ton of gold but I just won't give it away easily, I like my rares. You're likely better off waiting for someone else to sell it to you for ~1k.
I have one on Suramar US Alliance, ill sell for 2.5k
I'm still buying this... willing to pay ~3k if you xfer to me... let me know if you have one you're looking to sell.

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