US Big Sale! All Must Go!

Big Sale! All Must Go!

Hey there Twinkinfo. Over the time period of a few months I have collected a few rare pieces of twink gear on GORGONNASH HORDE. All must be sold

What I have:

Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina (Perfect)

Deviate Scale Belt

River Pride Choker

Leggings of the Vault

Sacrificial Kris of Power x 2

Robe of the Magi

Ogron's Sash

The Green Tower

Fireman Leggings

Icemail Jerkin

Ardent Custodian

Necklace of Calisea

Serenity Belt

Hammer of the Northern Wind x 3

Funeral Pyre Vestment x 2

Robes of Insight

Taran Icebreaker

Eye of Flame



All must be sold! Once again, all this gear is on Gorgonnash horde. You may buy as many items as you want. The item goes to the highest bidder. I will not transfer. If you want to negociate prices contact me via PM or talk to me ingame on Cashorcredit or Flertilizer.
Twinkytoes said:
Hey there Twinkinfo. Over the time period of a few months I have collected a few rare pieces of twink gear on GORGONNASH HORDE. All must be sold

What I have:

Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina (Perfect)

Deviate Scale Belt

River Pride Choker

Leggings of the Vault

Sacrificial Kris of Power x 2

Robe of the Magi

Ogron's Sash

The Green Tower

Fireman Leggings

Icemail Jerkin

Ardent Custodian

Necklace of Calisea

Serenity Belt

Hammer of the Northern Wind x 3

Funeral Pyre Vestment x 2

Robes of Insight

Taran Icebreaker

Eye of Flame



All must be sold! Once again, all this gear is on Gorgonnash horde. You may buy as many items as you want. The item goes to the highest bidder. I will not transfer. If you want to negociate prices contact me via PM or talk to me ingame on Cashorcredit or Flertilizer.

Wranglers of stamina-

I start bidding at 50g.

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