US BG Queue Wait Times


So i turned my XP - Off so i could stay at level 70 and grind honor to get the gear i need.

Only need about 1600 more honor or so and ive been waiting in a 15 min, 33 min, and now 5 min + queue and it's starting to annoy me.

are these what queue's are like all the time or is there just a bug with queues?

earlier today i got a queue to pop within 5-7 minutes... any help is appreciated because this is rather frustrating
once za/zg gets old, the ques will get faster
its mostly bugs, probably the same type of issues as players randomly getting teleported. once they're ironed out it'll all be good...that and when za/zg get old, tho i dont think that's quite an issue
How do we go from having 3-4 bgs at once sometimes 2 av's to having nothing? You can't fucking tell me everyone is doing ZG. Heck we already did ZG and that Years ago why the fuck are we doing it again!? It's just a matter of time before they bring back molten core or were doing a super heroic deadmines at lvl 90?
qpac said:
How do we go from having 3-4 bgs at once sometimes 2 av's to having nothing?

Falkor said:
its mostly bugs

and its not that za/zg are super new zones and interesting to explore, its the fact they drop ilvl 353 epics which is awesome for people who dont raid or who are unlucky with drops
We are also getting into Summer season, when thing slow down. Whether people are just outside more and on their computers less, or it has to do with college students writing exams and then moving home for the summer where there may be more comment on their playing hours or whatever it is, things do slow down I think. You can feel things starting to slow down in the auction houses, so I'm sure it affects other areas of the game too.

Having said that, for sure something is odd with the queues. I'm still sometimes getting pops that I can't accept (that is, I click on them but don't get taken to the battle ground, and eventually get the message that I wasn't available), and waiting times are all over the place. I did eventually get a couple of randoms to pop last night, but it is slow enough and buggy enough to discourage playing one of my BG alts and instead play one of my ones more focussed on questing. I suppose when they brought in continent+ wide queues (instead of by battle group) that some bugs were to be expected, but I wish they'd comment on what is going on, and how hard it will be to get it fixed.
Problems still exist. I was eager to log in last night and see how things were.

First queued random, saw 11 minute average wait time, quested for 25 minutes with no pop then cancelled that queue. Re-queued for specific battlegrounds, WSG pops, then the window flickers out, then back on, repeat for about 20 seconds as I try in vain to click accept. I go to the minimap-edge button to try and accept it there, and that shows me queued for AB twice! Eventually I manage to cancel those, and re-queue specific again.

At long last I get a pop that I can accept....something like an hour after I started trying *doh* So yah, bugs are not all ironed out yet.....
BLizz promised to fix this in 4.2 and the ZA/ZG make a difference, also in 4.2 even with the fix people will get slower Qs because of new arena season and i beleive firelands is coming. or atleast some instances
Hotpockets said:
You should appeal that, but yeah that's the usual Blizzard Gestapo doin' work.

I've tried, 3 times, they said it added nothing constructive to the website as a whole.

Clearly it didn't, talking about a video game in a video game section!

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