80 Rogue - Thunderfury - Warglaives - Thor'idal - 2x Glad - Spectrals - VANITY- MORE!
As I also posted on MMOBay, I am posting here to give my fellow tinks a chance too:
80 Rouge - Thunderfury - Warglaives - Thor'idal - 2x Glad - Spectrals - VANITY- MORE!
Hello MMOBay,
Up for sale is my old main from Wrath. This is a toon loaded with Vanity and a great toon to take into Cataclysm. Buyer will receive login information, SQ/A, etc. There is also currently an authenticator on the account that I can ship to you, if you'd like.
This rogue has:
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Thor'idal, the Stars' Fury
Warglaive of Azzinoth
Warglaive of Azzinoth
On top of having FOUR LEGENDARIES, there is also both Spectral tigers (what used to be Fast and Slow), and 2x Gladiator drakes (Season 2 and Season 3). 79 total mounts including all the very expensive ones (Tundra Mammoth, Grand Ice Mammoth, Chopper), and the Baron mount.
465 Engineering with nearly every schematic in the game
450 Alchemy, ready to start looking for that new dragon mount!
Neat things in the bank:
Full T1, partial T2, Full T2.5, Full T6, Full ZG set (unobtainable now). Both Hakkari Warblades, Teebu's Blazing Longsword, 2x Skinning knife from ZG, Many Tabards, Underwater breathing ring from AQ Gate Quest, lots of holiday stuff, and tons more. I'd be glad to meet you in game to show you whatever you'd like to see. Probably around 15+ BoA items on the account as well, all housed within the lvl 19 twink alt.
There are two alts on the account. A level 80 druid with Hand of Rag and a couple rare mounts (White Hawkstrider, Headless Horseman's Mount). Geared in T9/badge gear, nothing special. Also a level 19 Twink Hunter. This hunter is very special as far as twinks go since he has over 1,800 achievement points and some pretty rare feats for a 19, including the Ambassador title.
Quick recap: 5 legendaries, tons of rare mounts, tons of BoAs, tons of Vanity, 2x gladiator, 1 account.
All characters are on the same server, same faction.
Account is also already Cata enabled, so you don't need to upgrade.
Here's some more info about the Rogue:
Level 80 Alliance Male Gnome Rogue
Armory Profile - | AskKuz
Combat (2 / 31 / 3)
Assassination (31 / 2 / 3)
Gearscore: 1043
Achievements: 6210
Arena Points: 0
Conquest points: 0
Gold: 0
Honor Points: 1000
Notable Pets: Disgusting Oozeling, Hyacinth Macaw, Phoenix Hatchling, Sprite Darter Hatchling, so many more. 91 pets total.
WoW Armory: Armory Profile - | AskKuz
Noteworthy Titles:
Champion of the Frozen Wastes
Knight-Lieutenant (old school PvP title)
of Darnassus/of Thunder Bluff
of Gnomeregan/of Sen'jin
of Ironforge/of the Orgrimmar
of Stormwind/of the Undercity
of the Alliance/of the Horde
of the Nightfall
of the Shattered Sun
the Explorer
the Hallowed
Twilight Vanquisher
Noteworthy Mounts:
Albino Drake
Black Drake
Black War Bear
Celestrial Steed
Cenarion War Hippogryph
Grand Ice Mammoth
Mekgineer's Chopper
Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
X-53 Touring Rocket
Noteworthy Feats of Strength:
Veteran of the Shifting Sands
- Completed the gates of Ahn'Qiraj quest chain up to and including Treasure of the Timeless One (even if someone else ended up with the mount).
WoW's 6th Anniversary
- Logged in during WoW's 6th Anniversary.
Tripping the Rifts
- Destroyed one of each type of elemental rift during the Cataclysm launch event.
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury
- Wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Friends In Even Higher Places
- Obtain an X-53 Touring Rocket mount through the Recruit-a-Friend program.
Deadliest Catch
- Fish up Gahz'ranka in Zul'Gurub using the Mudskunk Lure.
- Defeat Hakkar.
Deathcharger's Reins
- Obtain the Deathcharger's Reins from Baron Rivendare in Stratholme.
Operation: Gnomeregan
- You assisted High Tinker Mekkatorque and the Gnomeregan Exiles in the recapture of Gnomeregan's surface.
- Earned the title, "Knight-Lieutenant".
- Earn any variety of Emblem.
Tabard of the Protector
- Obtained a Tabard of the Protector from the Dark Portal event.
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
- Wielder of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
1000 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
- Loot 1000 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.
Green Brewfest Stein
- Proud owner of the 2009 Vintage Green Brewfest Stein.
WoW's 5th Anniversary
- Logged in during WoW's 5th Anniversary.
Proof of Demise
- Completed the Northrend daily dungeon quests listed below.
1000 Stone Keeper's Shards
- Loot 1000 Stone Keeper's Shards.
Timear Foresees
- Complete the Northrend daily dungeon quests listed below.
A Brew-FAST Mount
- Obtain an epic Brewfest mount.
Master of Arms
- Raise four weapon skills to 400.
Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich?
- Raise your unarmed skill to 400.
The Fifth Element
- Obtain an Aqual Quintessence.
WoW's 4th Anniversary
- Logged in during WoW's 4th Anniversary.
Champion of the Naaru
- Earned the title, "Champion of the Naaru".
Hand of A'dal
- Earned the title, "Hand of A'dal".
Merciless Nether Drake
- Obtain the Merciless Nether Drake from Arena Season 2 of The Burning Crusade.
Vengeful Nether Drake
- Obtain the Vengeful Nether Drake from Arena Season 3 of The Burning Crusade.
Warglaives of Azzinoth
- Wielder of a set of Warglaives of Azzinoth.
Yellow Brewfest Stein
- Proud owner of the 2007 Vintage Yellow Brewfest Stein.
Onyxia's Lair (Level 60)
- Defeat the classic, level 60 version of Onyxia.
Clockwork Rocket Bot
- Proud owner of the 2007 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Clockwork Rocket Bot.
Hero of the Zandalar Tribe
- Earn exalted status with the Zandalar Tribe.
Noteworthy Trading Card Game Loot:
Spectral Tiger
Tabard of the Void
Estimated Value: $647.94
Buyer will agree to my terms of sale and procedure, listed below.
1.) You will pay via verified PayPal the amount that we decide on as a "gift".
2.) I will give you the login name and password.
3.) I will draw the funds from PayPal to my bank (normally 3-4 business days).
4.) When the funds clear PayPal and are deposited in my bank, I will then release the SQ/A.
Please do not be concerned about my '0' rating. I have done transactions on this site with many high-reputable sellers that I can ask to vouch for me, if needed. I can assure you that I am as legit as they come. I'd be glad to use a middle-man service to, if the buyer prefers.
I am more than glad to answer any questions at all or speak on the phone about the account.
I can be reached on AIM at:
You can just copy/paste. If that gives you trouble, try idanarchyi.
I am looking for absolutely nothing less than $700, so that's the initial offer that I will consider. An instant buyout will be set at $1,000. This character is worth it (probably more), so please don't try to low-ball me. I do not want any other toons in trade. The only thing that I would consider in trade would be an unused Spectral Tiger code, or the mounts on my server.
Thank you very much for looking!
As I also posted on MMOBay, I am posting here to give my fellow tinks a chance too:
80 Rouge - Thunderfury - Warglaives - Thor'idal - 2x Glad - Spectrals - VANITY- MORE!
Hello MMOBay,
Up for sale is my old main from Wrath. This is a toon loaded with Vanity and a great toon to take into Cataclysm. Buyer will receive login information, SQ/A, etc. There is also currently an authenticator on the account that I can ship to you, if you'd like.
This rogue has:
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Thor'idal, the Stars' Fury
Warglaive of Azzinoth
Warglaive of Azzinoth
On top of having FOUR LEGENDARIES, there is also both Spectral tigers (what used to be Fast and Slow), and 2x Gladiator drakes (Season 2 and Season 3). 79 total mounts including all the very expensive ones (Tundra Mammoth, Grand Ice Mammoth, Chopper), and the Baron mount.
465 Engineering with nearly every schematic in the game
450 Alchemy, ready to start looking for that new dragon mount!
Neat things in the bank:
Full T1, partial T2, Full T2.5, Full T6, Full ZG set (unobtainable now). Both Hakkari Warblades, Teebu's Blazing Longsword, 2x Skinning knife from ZG, Many Tabards, Underwater breathing ring from AQ Gate Quest, lots of holiday stuff, and tons more. I'd be glad to meet you in game to show you whatever you'd like to see. Probably around 15+ BoA items on the account as well, all housed within the lvl 19 twink alt.
There are two alts on the account. A level 80 druid with Hand of Rag and a couple rare mounts (White Hawkstrider, Headless Horseman's Mount). Geared in T9/badge gear, nothing special. Also a level 19 Twink Hunter. This hunter is very special as far as twinks go since he has over 1,800 achievement points and some pretty rare feats for a 19, including the Ambassador title.
Quick recap: 5 legendaries, tons of rare mounts, tons of BoAs, tons of Vanity, 2x gladiator, 1 account.
All characters are on the same server, same faction.
Account is also already Cata enabled, so you don't need to upgrade.
Here's some more info about the Rogue:
Level 80 Alliance Male Gnome Rogue
Armory Profile - | AskKuz
Combat (2 / 31 / 3)
Assassination (31 / 2 / 3)
Gearscore: 1043
Achievements: 6210
Arena Points: 0
Conquest points: 0
Gold: 0
Honor Points: 1000
Notable Pets: Disgusting Oozeling, Hyacinth Macaw, Phoenix Hatchling, Sprite Darter Hatchling, so many more. 91 pets total.
WoW Armory: Armory Profile - | AskKuz
Noteworthy Titles:
Champion of the Frozen Wastes
Knight-Lieutenant (old school PvP title)
of Darnassus/of Thunder Bluff
of Gnomeregan/of Sen'jin
of Ironforge/of the Orgrimmar
of Stormwind/of the Undercity
of the Alliance/of the Horde
of the Nightfall
of the Shattered Sun
the Explorer
the Hallowed
Twilight Vanquisher
Noteworthy Mounts:
Albino Drake
Black Drake
Black War Bear
Celestrial Steed
Cenarion War Hippogryph
Grand Ice Mammoth
Mekgineer's Chopper
Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
X-53 Touring Rocket
Noteworthy Feats of Strength:
Veteran of the Shifting Sands
- Completed the gates of Ahn'Qiraj quest chain up to and including Treasure of the Timeless One (even if someone else ended up with the mount).
WoW's 6th Anniversary
- Logged in during WoW's 6th Anniversary.
Tripping the Rifts
- Destroyed one of each type of elemental rift during the Cataclysm launch event.
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury
- Wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Friends In Even Higher Places
- Obtain an X-53 Touring Rocket mount through the Recruit-a-Friend program.
Deadliest Catch
- Fish up Gahz'ranka in Zul'Gurub using the Mudskunk Lure.
- Defeat Hakkar.
Deathcharger's Reins
- Obtain the Deathcharger's Reins from Baron Rivendare in Stratholme.
Operation: Gnomeregan
- You assisted High Tinker Mekkatorque and the Gnomeregan Exiles in the recapture of Gnomeregan's surface.
- Earned the title, "Knight-Lieutenant".
- Earn any variety of Emblem.
Tabard of the Protector
- Obtained a Tabard of the Protector from the Dark Portal event.
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
- Wielder of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
1000 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
- Loot 1000 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.
Green Brewfest Stein
- Proud owner of the 2009 Vintage Green Brewfest Stein.
WoW's 5th Anniversary
- Logged in during WoW's 5th Anniversary.
Proof of Demise
- Completed the Northrend daily dungeon quests listed below.
1000 Stone Keeper's Shards
- Loot 1000 Stone Keeper's Shards.
Timear Foresees
- Complete the Northrend daily dungeon quests listed below.
A Brew-FAST Mount
- Obtain an epic Brewfest mount.
Master of Arms
- Raise four weapon skills to 400.
Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich?
- Raise your unarmed skill to 400.
The Fifth Element
- Obtain an Aqual Quintessence.
WoW's 4th Anniversary
- Logged in during WoW's 4th Anniversary.
Champion of the Naaru
- Earned the title, "Champion of the Naaru".
Hand of A'dal
- Earned the title, "Hand of A'dal".
Merciless Nether Drake
- Obtain the Merciless Nether Drake from Arena Season 2 of The Burning Crusade.
Vengeful Nether Drake
- Obtain the Vengeful Nether Drake from Arena Season 3 of The Burning Crusade.
Warglaives of Azzinoth
- Wielder of a set of Warglaives of Azzinoth.
Yellow Brewfest Stein
- Proud owner of the 2007 Vintage Yellow Brewfest Stein.
Onyxia's Lair (Level 60)
- Defeat the classic, level 60 version of Onyxia.
Clockwork Rocket Bot
- Proud owner of the 2007 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Clockwork Rocket Bot.
Hero of the Zandalar Tribe
- Earn exalted status with the Zandalar Tribe.
Noteworthy Trading Card Game Loot:
Spectral Tiger
Tabard of the Void
Estimated Value: $647.94
Buyer will agree to my terms of sale and procedure, listed below.
1.) You will pay via verified PayPal the amount that we decide on as a "gift".
2.) I will give you the login name and password.
3.) I will draw the funds from PayPal to my bank (normally 3-4 business days).
4.) When the funds clear PayPal and are deposited in my bank, I will then release the SQ/A.
Please do not be concerned about my '0' rating. I have done transactions on this site with many high-reputable sellers that I can ask to vouch for me, if needed. I can assure you that I am as legit as they come. I'd be glad to use a middle-man service to, if the buyer prefers.
I am more than glad to answer any questions at all or speak on the phone about the account.
I can be reached on AIM at:
You can just copy/paste. If that gives you trouble, try idanarchyi.
I am looking for absolutely nothing less than $700, so that's the initial offer that I will consider. An instant buyout will be set at $1,000. This character is worth it (probably more), so please don't try to low-ball me. I do not want any other toons in trade. The only thing that I would consider in trade would be an unused Spectral Tiger code, or the mounts on my server.
Thank you very much for looking!