EU+US Urgent Hunter Question


2017 Twink Cup Champion
I have not had time to play the game and see for myself so im asking here. With the new pvp changes, are BM and/or MM hunters able to put out reliable damage now? Thinking about making a new lvl 20 hunter if its worth it.
i made a f2p 20 bm hunter not too long ago and i love it. if i REALLY try i can push the close to the top of the charts but nothing compared to surv and the other couple ftm's
Grab berserker and see if you can put big dents in health bars, if not then more buffs are needed but that's just wishful thinking with blizzard. It's actually shocking that a company with such horrible balancing issues is able to stay relevant for so long and bring in so much $$. Maybe we should all come together and make a wow 2.0 with actual pvp balance? It wouldn't be easy but anything is possible especially with today's technology. I know that would be extremely difficult and highly unlikely but its a thought. A game with the special feel of wow focused primarily on balanced pvp would be so fun :D
Grab berserker and see if you can put big dents in health bars, if not then more buffs are needed but that's just wishful thinking with blizzard. It's actually shocking that a company with such horrible balancing issues is able to stay relevant for so long and bring in so much $$. Maybe we should all come together and make a wow 2.0 with actual pvp balance? It wouldn't be easy but anything is possible especially with today's technology. I know that would be extremely difficult and highly unlikely but its a thought. A game with the special feel of wow focused primarily on balanced pvp would be so fun :D
WoW literally wouldn't exist if the game was balanced to appease the 20-29 bracket. But yeah, it would be nice. Game will always be balanced around end-game raiding, which trickles down to end-game PvP, which trickles down like peepee to all the other weird, obscure niches in this game, such as low level twinking.
Grab berserker and see if you can put big dents in health bars, if not then more buffs are needed but that's just wishful thinking with blizzard. It's actually shocking that a company with such horrible balancing issues is able to stay relevant for so long and bring in so much $$. Maybe we should all come together and make a wow 2.0 with actual pvp balance? It wouldn't be easy but anything is possible especially with today's technology. I know that would be extremely difficult and highly unlikely but its a thought. A game with the special feel of wow focused primarily on balanced pvp would be so fun :D

"WoW 2.0" specifically for lowbies has been tried many times on private servers. They have failed.
WoW literally wouldn't exist if the game was balanced to appease the 20-29 bracket. But yeah, it would be nice. Game will always be balanced around end-game raiding, which trickles down to end-game PvP, which trickles down like peepee to all the other weird, obscure niches in this game, such as low level twinking.

"WoW 2.0" specifically for lowbies has been tried many times on private servers. They have failed.
I didn't mean just for this bracket or just lowbies in general but the entire game

BM is "playable" - not very good though, doesn't put out enough damage compared to the other specs
MM is extremely good, I'd hazard better than survival for team play

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