EU+US [Updated] Armory List

I switched servers on my hunter so he is no longer Bowowner. He is now Bowcephus and his ilvl is 836 so if you could change that for me I'd appreciate it -
and can you add my Ret Paladin too plz. He's 808 so far :)

All set. Hunter updated, and paladin added. =)
All armory's have been checked as of 21/01.
Armory's that no longer exist have been removed, people who leveled up are also removed from the list.
All item levels are updated aswell.
Dogwalkerx now only missing proper boots, really. Could stand to get some TF/socket HFC gear. 809 ilev.
I transferred my priest to Tich so the name went from Narkissa to Narcessa and her ilvl is now 807. Can you update it for me plz :)
Will be changed in 2-3 hours when I get home.

Will be added today.

check the ones uve posted, some are 110 now:p

Will be checked today aswell, thanks for the headsup.
Levels updated, armorys added.

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