Upcoming nerfs/buffs.

What's with the whine about a 20min WSG. I love it! What's your deal in WSG anyways? You got your items from there, no major reason to stay there.

Now it's time for real twinking, taking it to the limits! Exploring what you can possible do as a twink, or a team of twinks. How far can you push it at xx lvl? That is what twinking is really about!

CAN a team of 19 twinks solo Zul'Farrak? CAN a single twink solo Gnomeregan?

What is your limits? With the EXP Lock you can find out. Now you can have all the fun again. And it's not only PvE content they unlocked for us. We can now explore more, earn archievements and World PvP.

And World PvP is NOT a joke for 19 twinks. You can start by running around in STV and owning some 30s, step it up a little and go to 40 areas and own them there. And then you can team up with a bunch of other twinks and go into 50-60 areas. And it's VERY possible. If any if you try to remember back, in the good old days of vanilla WoW, people didn't have as much health. So it's very doable.

And now you can farm Shadowfang with your twink instead of your main, which is more fun.

My point is, a lot more TWINKING content just got unlocked. Twinking is not x9 WSG. Twinking is going all the way, find your limit and then go beyond that! Beyond what is possible! Do the possimpible (if you watch "How I met your mother" you know what I mean).

So this is not a nerf, and it's certainly not "oh cool, now I can get that piece of gear I allways wanted because of EXP Lock"-only. This adds a whole new, a BETTER aspect to twinking. Instead of whining, start posting ideas of what you are gonna do.

This is not the end of twinking - this is where it begins!
Lithdk, I like you attitude! I still hate the 20 minute cap on WSG and disagree with you on THAT, but i like the rest!! WSG's that last 1.5 hours are amazingly fun, but with the XP lock you're right - more items/quests, BUT SOOO MUCH MORE!!! Btw - no, you can't do ZF - can't enter it lololol!!

But, like you said, world pvp will be neat - is it still classes as 'ganking' if a level 50 pally outside tanaris is killed by 5 level 19's? =O I'd be embarrassed to tell my guild i just got 'ganked' by a bunch of 19 twinks...
Enemy captures one flag.

You capture one flag.

Game turns into a 20 minute turtle.

You lose.

I won't argue the 20 minute cap itself. There are pros and cons to it. The implementation however is horrible.
The idea that WSG should and is going to have a 20 min cap is completely gay...peorid. That said, if someone cant handle a BG past that time limit there is a simple resolution to fix the problem. its simply /afk. a regular WSG ( 1 team capping 1 right after another) takes around 10 min, with a 20 min cap a WSG will lose all tactics and become very dull.
Neffi said:
Enemy captures one flag.

You capture one flag.

Game turns into a 20 minute turtle.

You lose.

Err... lol.

You capture one flag.

Enemy captures one flag.

1-1 = Tie
TwinkorDie said:
first team to cap wins so no...not a tie.

There is a now a 20 minute timer on this battleground. After that time, the team with the most flag captures wins. If this would result in a tie, the team that captured the first flag wins. If neither side has captured a flag, then the game ends in a tie.

Woops, I had the impression that it would just end in a Tie and would just give out 2 WSG Marks.
Rip said:
Woops, I had the impression that it would just end in a Tie and would just give out 2 WSG Marks.

i remember reading somewhere it was the team who caped first won in the event of a tie. im 98% sure i read it in there somewhere lol. but regardless all games will now turn into rush first cap then turtle for the next 10ish min. boring to say the least.
Lithdk said:
What's your deal in WSG anyways? You got your items from there, no major reason to stay there.

We make twinks for PvP. No matter what they let us do, twinks will always PvP all the time, it's what they're for.

NO, twinks will NEVER do ZF at 19. You're going to get 4 shotted at most and you won't touch them at all.

No, you can't solo Gnomer for the same reason.
most of the 29 twinks and some 19's in our guild on mannaroth did world PVP and are prediscovered prior to 19/29 in these areas.


ratchet we used to start wars in that area

outside BB




rebel camp

thousand needles

we used to raid azuremyst and bloodmyst isle towns, etc.

some of us even have wintergrasp FP and areas

another 19 twink guild on mannaroth was doing raids on westfall/sentinel hill

wotlk sorta put a hamper on this, many guards were boosted. many areas are ghost towns. when we use to attack areas before we saw a occasional 70's, many players in their 40-50's would show which was still a challenge. now, if you drop a 44 in STV (still busy area) with your 29, typical noob response if for the 44 to log his 80 or you have four+++ eighties scouring the area. we used to run to BB for refuge, because prior to the wotlk pre-patch any 70 was usually instantly dead when bruisers attacked and our 29's could survive most openings attacks. after all the buffs, most 70 players can kill lowbees, wax 15+ guards and still escape. blizz buffed the guards to 75 when wotlk released, but they are candy for 80's and world of burstcraft.

also due to achievements/reputation 80's are everywhere in STV and tanaris due to COT
Rip said:
Woops, I had the impression that it would just end in a Tie and would just give out 2 WSG Marks.

If it actually did end in a tie (2 marks is a perfect idea), I'd be entirely indifferent to the change. The other cons are outweighed by pros. But the blatant unfairness of giving somebody the benefit of a draw is complete bullshit.
Whoever said that blizzard never took into consideration twinking just got owned totally !

the NO XP bargain is clearly designed for us only !

the only drawback i see for this... is the simple fact that queue times on many battlegroups will suddently go thru the roof. i expect many battlegroup to become quite dead with twinks having to wait a good 10 minutes for one single BG. in that matter, the 20min WSG is not what we'd want... 10minute wait for a fast 5 minute game is something i dont want. but then again 5 minute games won't happen anymore right ?

then again 20minute WSG will force premade to think outside of the mold and find solution to a big problem... TIME is against them ! if ya wanna win you'll be forced to take the lead and attack, no more time for defensive turtles ! this could lead to some unreal games !

its gonna be hard at first though !

for people will bitch about the time limit, but those who will bitch are those who refuses to change their ways ! after a few months new starts will be up, new kind of games will be hapenning and people will be all good with it !
ArthurianKnight said:
Whoever said that blizzard never took into consideration twinking just got owned totally !

the NO XP bargain is clearly designed for us only !

the only drawback i see for this... is the simple fact that queue times on many battlegroups will suddently go thru the roof. i expect many battlegroup to become quite dead with twinks having to wait a good 10 minutes for one single BG. in that matter, the 20min WSG is not what we'd want... 10minute wait for a fast 5 minute game is something i dont want. but then again 5 minute games won't happen anymore right ?

then again 20minute WSG will force premade to think outside of the mold and find solution to a big problem... TIME is against them ! if ya wanna win you'll be forced to take the lead and attack, no more time for defensive turtles ! this could lead to some unreal games !

its gonna be hard at first though !

for people will bitch about the time limit, but those who will bitch are those who refuses to change their ways ! after a few months new starts will be up, new kind of games will be hapenning and people will be all good with it !

druid runs in, grabs flag, and is 1/2 way across the field before the other team can catch up

druid caps flag

team turtles for 19 minutes


and this is fun?
ArthurianKnight said:
... with twinks having to wait a good 10 minutes for one single BG. in that matter, the 20min WSG is not what we'd want... 10minute wait for a fast 5 minute game is something i dont want.

A good ten minutes? Someone never played pre-battlegroups if you complain about a 10 minute Q.

For that matter, even in Ruin, I have a SS somewhere of a 3+ hour solo WSG q for the 29 bracket, that occured after wrath was implemented, so relatively recently.

I'll see if I can find it later, wtb sleep now. And the battery on my latop is about to
iaccidentallytwink said:
We make twinks for PvP. No matter what they let us do, twinks will always PvP all the time, it's what they're for.

NO, twinks will NEVER do ZF at 19. You're going to get 4 shotted at most and you won't touch them at all.

No, you can't solo Gnomer for the same reason.

Yeah, but PvP isn't just mindless WSG. When you got the best possible gear you can duel higher levels, world pvp or arena.

Arhh, 4 shotted. A good geared FC twink can get 2,5-3K HP. The only real problem is threat.

And gnomeregan, I'll prove you wrong when patch comes out :p!
Marystus said:
druid runs in, grabs flag, and is 1/2 way across the field before the other team can catch up

druid caps flag

team turtles for 19 minutes


and this is fun?

Seriously ? What is your team doing, when the druid grabs the flag...sitting around the campfire ?

There is no truth about the allegations that a 20 min WSG needs no strategy or tactics, it is just different and this is where we all have to theorycraft as well.

As a Horde Twink19 Group I would like to get the Stockade achievement..., do you know if it can be done with 10 man ?
Marystus said:
druid runs in, grabs flag, and is 1/2 way across the field before the other team can catch up

druid caps flag

team turtles for 19 minutes


and this is fun?

I agree, what the fuck is your team doing? It will never be like that. People will have to think, people will have to react. Infact I love this 20min idea. Imagine, you can kinda have fun with this

Situation 1: 1-1 and 1min left

You run in base, grab flag, and cap.

How fun is that? The thoughts going through your head, the excitement from winning, the rush from the last seconds

And then you q again to find the same team or one just as good and realize that...oh man every 20 minutes I get to play a good set of WSG and because I have no use for tokens.. I dont care!

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