I've been working on a similar idea. Still a little rough at the moment. The only issue I see that while they have quite a bit of burst its hard to sustain damage over a period of time. If they had a "smite" like spell it might be more viable. Armory Link Below
I do have a Fury warrior, they are alot of fun to play, cus of all passive haste... Though I wouldn't deem them unusual :O
Thinking about "Holy Priest DPS" and "Resto Druid Stam Tank"
Tho one of the upcoming episodes I'm doing is gonna be 2h Enhance... Tho it won't be yet, since I am reworking my build for BFA.
But was a ton of fun in Legion :O
This is the last video I made in Legion:
For those interested in the whole "Two-Hander Windfury Shaman" thing. I'll get back to it![]()
Why would you not heal and help the other healer out allowing you BOTH to heal the fc between keeping everyone else up? That just seems like a disaster and a missed opportunity to actually help your team.
On the rogue note, soloing rogues is easy with bestow faith, defensive holy shock, and kiting. If you know how to fake cast you should never lose a 1v1 to a rogue. Holy paladin fcing relies heavily on flash of light and being more tanky than druids (its slower crossing mid but can handle more melee/casters on you). On the note of not sitting mid and healing in mid fights, I'd argue thats a holy paladins biggest strength and a huge missed opportunity. Holy paladin has some of the strongest single target sustained heals (minus mw) with the ability to spread healing through bestow faith, holy shock, and beacon of light. Assuming you position yourself correctly, you should never die in a mid fight, as they have to overextend to kill you/get to you.
I genuinely don't understand how you play this class. You seem to actively go against its strengths which you may be able to get away with in a full premade, but most people here will be solo queing/small grouping. If you'd like I'd be happy to give you some pointers sometime. This class is already gimped enough, please dont spread bad info as fact and turn people off this class.
Its obvious that you meant it. But nice try and quit hijaking this mans thread for your own ego.No offence
All right man.. WTF ARE THOSE RINGS? (they are supposed to be unique-eq)
All right man.. WTF ARE THOSE RINGS? (they are supposed to be unique-eq)
I wanted to do 2H Shammy myself. Does it work? Is it worth givin up Stormstrike and Lava Lash?
Depends what you think is "worth" imo... I think it provides a more fun Kiting/position based playstyle, with fun windfury burst, together with Boulderslide Talent and a pump ass agility build. You are sort of a gimped shaman, with boom burst potentialStill abit unsure as to how "great" it is in bfa.. Wich is something I am trying out one of these days
You either haven't been playing since legion or u are trolling hardlooking forward to see more off-meta guides, how about fury warrior i think its fun and pretty rare nowdays
Because we have bubble and we can escape everything to help save our FC in defensive play/escorting when it comes down to offensive defensive play. We are mobile with our spells too easier to escort.
kiting? you realize rogue has infinite slow. Throwing in "heavily relies" on to make it sound like flash of light is the one important spell is just scum to contradict what i said. You will do better as an FC with versatility than haste, you really just dodged that fact completely.
You don't seem to understand anything much less how I play. Since when do you speak for "most people here".
and No thank you.
Its obvious that you meant it. But nice try and quit hijaking this mans thread for your own ego.
*responses are in order of quotes*
If an fc is getting attacked by 2+ people your instants will not be able to keep them up. You will need to use flash of light. Believe it or not you can accomplish this while still following them by going ahead of them just in range of your abilities. This also allows you to mitigate sap as well. I know it's a hard concept not to be on top of the FC at all times because you need them to hold your hand but this also forces the melee classes to either focus on the FC (allowing you to freecast flash of light) or focus you (allowing the FC to progress/get away while you keep yourself up).
Not every rogue plays that spec. Flash of light is the most used spell generally in a match. This is fact. If you do not believe that then unfortunately you are wrong. If you would like I can show you how to play this class. In time you will understand the importance of casting spells just like you finally realized slitherscale was the best route for gearing (I remember you refused to use it because you couldn't mog it). I never said haste was good for an fc set. For an fc set the best stats are versatility, armor, and stamina. Stop putting words in my mouth.
Because from the sounds of it you dont know how to play. Once you understand the class and have proven yourself then you can start giving advice to people. Right now unfortunately you are doing more harm than good and it is up to people like me to fix the messes you create. Offering information and advice is great when you have the knowledge and experience to actually provide useful and accurate information, which right now you arent at. I'm sorry but this is the unfortunate reality but you can easily get there. I know you mean well but please just stop. Once again my offer of lessons are on the table.
I meant no offense and I stand by that. I am simply calling you out for false information and correcting it. Like I've said why on earth would you ever not use your strongest ability? If you want I can show you how to fake cast and juke it's actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I hope you can set your ego aside because you do have potential.
Your book could of been summarized as - you thinking I don't take flash of light into importance. Who's really putting words whos mouth? also whats with lessons, i know how to fake cast and juke, you really are just insulting, no matter how hard you try to hide it
edit: and i always stood for plate. i mentioned once i get full adaptable im going back to it
so the original argument being - haste vs vers for a healer build. should your haste be higher than vers for a healer build?Now you're changing what you're saying because you've been proven wrong. You need to come back when you've decided what you're going to say and really think it out so its coherent and theres no confusion. I recommend an online proof reader just to make sure!
I've seen you play, you get kicked quite a lot. I was offering some help but if you dont want it I understand. Why would you go full adaptable over Aurora if you're going the plate route? Assuming this isn't strictly for fcing that's a silly idea.
Unfortunately texting and speaking strictly through an all text medium often leads to miscommunication and misunderstandings. I can assure you I mean no offence like I stated before, I'm just trying to help you and look out for you. It's like when a friend makes a useless purchase or dumb dicision and you call them out on it.
so the original argument being - haste vs vers for a healer build. should your haste be higher than vers for a healer build?