Unmerge Battle.net account


Alright, so I have been thinking of selling or giving away one of my accounts, but the problem is, that my account is linked together with my brothers account and a rather vaulable f2p account. So I was wondering if it was possible to unmerge my account, and sell it seperately?

Or at least just change the password of my account alone.
No, you cannot unmerge an account when you have merged it (afaik). What you can do if you want to sell the account is to xfer all the charactesr to a new account and then sell that account.
No, you cannot unmerge an account when you have merged it (afaik). What you can do if you want to sell the account is to xfer all the charactesr to a new account and then sell that account.
damn that's expensive.. just spend 10min on google, and found that if I call blizzard billing support, with some excuse like, all my rID conversations go to the wrong account, they can move one of my accounts :)
Just have your brother unmerge his f2p acc lol? It's free + it's much easier.
The f2p account is mine, and I wish that to stay on the Battle.net acc, together with my brothers other p2p account. I want my p2p account to be unmerged.
The f2p account is mine, and I wish that to stay on the Battle.net acc, together with my brothers other p2p account. I want my p2p account to be unmerged.

I thought your brother's only acc was the f2p account. I think you can ask Blizzard to unmerge your account (not sure whether you'll have to purchase a new battlechest or not, probably not) as long as it has the same last name. I succeeded with my 5 f2p accounts.
I thought your brother's only acc was the f2p account. I think you can ask Blizzard to unmerge your account (not sure whether you'll have to purchase a new battlechest or not, probably not) as long as it has the same last name. I succeeded with my 5 f2p accounts.
Nop, f2p is mine, and I wish that to be kept linked with my brothers for all the cool mounts n stuff :)

But Ill try to get in touch with blizz :)
Did, also asked if I would loose all my mounts, pets and achivements on the unmerged account :)

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