

The new and only level 1 twinking guild on Draenor Alliance :Alliance: .

We looking for people who wants to join us and share some fun, at the moment we are gonna have some 3v3 at Gurubashi arena, and there'll be more events in future.

Our goal with this guild is just to have fun and make people enjoy some lvl 1 twinking.

/w Golithan or Zorkars ingame for more information or invite to guild.
Oh, hey there Zorkars. Cession here.

I'm glad to see that you are bringing level 1 back to scene at Draenor, and I'm sorry for letting <Underdogs> die.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with the guild.
Twinkz don't wana burst your bubble or anything but EU already has like 5 guilds trying to make their way on different realms.

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