unban the previous thread!

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ofc nothing in a twinkbracket takes skill(except playing awesome like me) but if u play easiest spec and easiest comb with bad winquote and low rating, ur just increadible bad, U NO TROLL ME
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get ur 2,2k achie first then try to troll the 80s boss again
/cheers fanboys
Fun that these people dosent understand is 2v2 is so unbalanced you can cry.

It's all about what you come against, i mean you meet 2 fire mages and you enter with frost resistance gear as holy pala and maybe a rogue boom dead the mages win.

Now when MoP comes i dunno what whill happends but hope 80 twinks and 70 twinks and 85 twinks will still be alive.

got 2400 rating or something on my mage with my brother dubble mage.

won 45 games lost 4 games and how fun is it when it's only mages priest pala rogue in the arenas.
You seem angry? meditate mate it will calm y00000 down

Do you people roll mages because it has the lowest twink skillcap? I'm convinced everyone in this section who plays one in PvP (No offense Zmirnoff, although you troll too) is just here to provoke others.

If I was a mod I'd have you all banned, just because I hate this kind of behaviour. Stop it, Now​.
click click click


awesomeyo nice dog mage, jk xoxo

You have been proven to be an idiot, and even though i dont exactly like awesomeyo at the moment he still is a far better mage than you, jesus even a bloody retarded hippo playing on a lappy would outskill you, stay small.

get ur 2,2k achie first then try to troll the 80s boss again
/cheers fanboys

You no boss k ?

i heard 2200 2s achie means skill Jk bro raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttssssssss

Bitch a bit more about resi please.

Heres a tissue cus you have an issue<3

You should envy peopple with one issue, your whole brain is a massive issue.

Oh and just to remind you how bad you are, here is a pic ^_^


Now fuck off to the 70's section, we wont miss you.
Do you people roll mages because it has the lowest twink skillcap? I'm convinced everyone in this section who plays one in PvP (No offense Zmirnoff, although you troll too) is just here to provoke others.

If I was a mod I'd have you all banned, just because I hate this kind of behaviour. Stop it, Now​.

Do you people roll mages because it has the lowest twink skillcap? I'm convinced everyone in this section who plays one in PvP (No offense Zmirnoff, although you troll too) is just here to provoke others.

If I was a mod I'd have you all banned, just because I hate this kind of behaviour. Stop it, Now​.

each class in a twinkbracket is easy to play, some classes are just easy and overpowered(hi mage rogue shadow etc), others are only easy but not rly good(hi warrior/warlock)
You really are incapable of listening. I said it has the lowest skillcap. Being able to global any class in two (read it, TWO) spell casts does not require skill, I'm sorry. I don't care if you play fire, frost or arcane. The class is so easy to play that you really do not need skill to do it. You'll outplay rogues, priests, shamans, anything given the opportunity (which I try my damnedest to prevent), just by being a mage.

Get over yourself, really. I'm fed up of this (rather) civilized bracket getting invaded by people like you, it's just disgusting. Keep trolling if you want, I'll just fix it by bringing the mods in personally.
yes, mages can outplay bad(very bad ) rogues, and btw.. i know frostmages are gay but u still need more than 2 buttons, and so do retpaladin/hunter/rogue/warrior/what ever, each class in a twinkbracket is easy to play, and i dont care if sometings is realy realy easy or realy realy realy easy and mage ist just like other classes, if u cry about 15k icelances its justified but dont think ur better cause u use other 3-4 buttons instead of lance/frostbolt/barrier etc, all shit at this lvl is easy mr. magesmakemecry
hey guys, i spent the last 12 hours making every pixel here, am i master in photoshop or what?

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dynlolx, Your a Rat, and You say about Resi? really, You mean the thing they put in to help pvp, just because you lose an arena dont blame the game due to you lacking skills.
if you dont respond to the troll there is no trolling

Stay moist - wet <3
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