EU+US um how did he get these broken items?

For a brief period, some mobs dropped items that could be traded/looted by low level characters that had no level requirement.

It was quickly hot fixed, but those who still have them still have them equipped.

I wonder if they'll still be able to use them, or if it will instead just have the items appear as broken in game.

Worth reporting, either way.

That warrior you linked almost had BIS, looks like he missed out on the Ilvl 180 ring that procs regenerating health :)
They won’t last long. A year or so from now, people will look back at it and be like “oh remember when people were able to equip north eng trinkets & goggles, and 180 BFA gear?” Soon they’ll be red and unusable. Any1 panicking is over-reacting.
My thread titled 'BFA' on main page (cause it's still a hot topic) showcased when I first started seeing them. They drop off Rare mobs in the new BFA zones. It's been fixed so no-one under level 110 (I Think), can loot them anymore.
That warrior you linked almost had BIS, looks like he missed out on the Ilvl 180 ring that procs regenerating health :)
Proabably had the same problem I had, couldn't get to Zandalar Isles as I hadn't figured how to get there before the fix (I literally got the same items he has the night before the fix). The Rare that drops that ring is from that end of town.
they are not patched btw lol people are still using these items they have a 29 requirement on it
Level 1 was the only level requirement, my warrior who is in the 10-19 bracket got the items from level 1 and was level 5 when I had all 3 that I could get at the time. The item level stays 180 due to scaling unless you loot it on a level 108 or 109 in which it goes up a bit. Other requirements were, boots-had to be a plate wearer, 2H mace, warrior or ret pally, rings-anyone I think was as it isn't class or spec bound
They won’t last long. A year or so from now, people will look back at it and be like “oh remember when people were able to equip north eng trinkets & goggles, and 180 BFA gear?” Soon they’ll be red and unusable. Any1 panicking is over-reacting.
Let the memes and good times roll ;D went 51-0 today with unfinished 19 twink warrior. Oh well, when it gets fixed i'll be able to look at it in the bank and go, 'that time when I stomped anyone who chose to zap, shoot, stab or send pets my way... ahhh the crazy old days :p
I watched a certain Warrior I know get the weapon, and absolutely destroy in BGs. Yeah, it is definitely broken and unintended.
I took Alliance Enthusiast on a field trip to visit Behsten, let Behsten touch the Trogg Breaker, and we took some photos. Blew Behsten's mind really. He was dreaming of fishing hats before we showed up. Afterwards Alliance Enthusiast said "Boss let's go fight on the road in AB and we will do our poses".

Remember the white sword that made warriors rend tick for like 25% of your hp. Ret pally could actually kill something with it, good times
2 days ago, I talked with a GM about this hammer, he told me that they'll remove it from low level characters, because this wasnt how it was supossed to be, all se can do is wait
Remember the white sword that made warriors rend tick for like 25% of your hp. Ret pally could actually kill something with it, good times
Enti's <3

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