Ultimate FC build?

good if you just want to stack stam and dont plan on shifting much (pretty much only if you bg exclusivly with a healer)...but to be an effective druid FC you need to have a good mix of int/stam to keep your mana from shifting, sucks to shift out to drop a snare and have no mana to shift back
Hmm I didn't take that into account, i'll work on it a bit then. Just click the old link it will be updated. I will replace agil, seeing as the only defensive stat it adds too is dodge, and as a flag carrier/holder survivability and mobilty are far more important.
i have practically max stam on my 39 druid Bearplane, and he rarely goes oom with 2.5k mana (in My Twinks)

the spec (0/13/17) helps a ton too. before, when i was 0/30/0, i went OOM many times. but after i specced 0/13/17 i rarely go OOM. highly suggested to go this spec along with max stamina gear.

stuff i want to change

-19 stam helm

-13 stam revelosh shoulders

-19 stam chest

-9 stam on revelosh gloves

-2 AGMs

aquamarine signet of stam is nice, but UB's 6 spirit and 12 SP outweigh 1 stamina and 20 AP IMO.
Also, why are you using +20 agility on a 2h?

Start with a +30 int WSG staff, when that mana's gone switch to a 12/12 Monkey staff with +35 agi.
chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner to get an idea. Fix'd neck, wep. Still 4k hp in bear, 53% armor or so UNBUFFED. Consider imp MOTW instead of heart of the wild for extra dodge+armor at a loss of hp and mana.

3350 mana in that profile. Without Master Shapeshifter, I still dont think you'll have mana issues.

I'm temped to go feral FC with my 39 drood now, tbh. I have all the gear in my profile other than the helm.
See this is why I bring these things to you guys first. Originally the agil was meant to aid in healing (via talents); however, by switching the 20 agil for 30 int I'm rocking 3.2k hp and 3k mana which is amazing.

As for talents since this is a FC build switching is important but I feel the ammount of survivability (remembering that is also meant to be used for holding) drops to much. Plus with 3k mana it makes shifting less of a burden.

Edit: lol ok updated once again, stats at current stand at 3.2k hp (with minning) and 3.5 mana unbuffed... truely over powered

@darzk I'm working on a ret pally atm but this is making me want to re-roll especially with the up and coming nerf that pallies will recive. XD

Also I think you should take it for a test run and see how it works, I think I would combine this build with minning/herb. 10 stam isn't much but it is better than any other prof in my opinion.

@Druiddroid True that UB us superior but it also costs 1k which is just not worth 12 sp to me
Also, IMO you want to heal while your running, so healing gear with +heals and alot of int/stats works well.

On my druid I use alot of +spl dmg in my FC set. Plus im resto. When I was balance I couldn't FC as well. Nature swiftnes is awsome as a FC.

Are you planning on running with a healer? Then Feral would be good.
The comment I made about using 20 agi was this:

There is a +35 agility enchant, exclusive to 2h weapons. Why would use use +20 agi on a 2h weapon? :D

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