Ultimate F2P WSG team signup sheet

If this was horde, it would totally lose to a keeshan Gnome Team.
I was in a bg the other night before I raged, against 8 hunter 2 pally team. I couldnt get 1 heal off (no joke) before the people were dead. Power word shield was pointless. Insta gibbled.

Yup its painful
But even 10hunters won't beat (in flag) the combs i said
Btw, if this is really happening, count me in. Ophunter from Norgannon US server
im under the impression you have never faced a good rogue or a coordinated group beyond the solo q or a puggmade. When was the last time you went in a bg and had none of your team mates die, were able to focus fire with someone marking targets to kill and to rotate all ccs. Coordinate cd like Thunderstorm, psychic scream, horde battle standard drops, managed to take on BiS group of all rogues paladins and hunters with only priests,shaman,druids, mages, warriors,locks etc etc etc

edit: Me neither but since you constantly assume whatever you are facing will be terrible you probably have so low standards and expect to never face skill capped players.

with peace and <3, no trolling just nice forum debates ^_^

What? You seem to forget that you're talking to Cotus. He's been doing premades/arenas since before you thought about playing this game. I mean, to be honest, I see him in arena a fair amount and he's quit the game. Can't even remember the last time I saw you in anything remotely close to what you just described.

Out of curiosity, lets say you manage to kill the EFC. What exactly are you going to do when you get hunter marked and killed? You can't just do a war of attrition because at best you're going to tie.
well until someone like AP horde steps up and challenges us i'm just going to declare us the Champions of Level 20 F2P WSG
#1 Hunter All-time

I'm #1 GY Farmer. Strong kiting. S-key broken (from all that kiting ofc.). OP Dmg. Pet Buffs (like if even more CC is needed lol).

Consider my apply cuz I r pro.

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