Ultimate 59 DK

im a fan of DW, so i was thinking

anyone? anyone?
Here's my take on a 59 DK twink. I'm thinking of doing this as a project - not that I'll ever get to play with the dead bracket. But here it is:

59 DK on Wowhead

Melee hit capped, 1014 AP, 4.5% expertise reduction, speed boost, parachute, rocket boots, invulnerability belt, 23.62% crit, permanent ghoul, 30% stun resist ... it's a nice combo, and doesn't require any BoAs (which I don't have access to anyway).

The spec could be adjusted - some might prefer deeper unholy to get the third disease/ or go blood tap for hp regen - viable alternatives.

The spec is clearly dps focused, but has decent survivability if you hit those death strikes every time. With capped hit and the expertise enchants, this shouldn't be a problem.

I tested the spec untwinked and had no problem taking down the Drill the Drillmaster @ Lvl 58 in starter gear (LVL 62 quest/elite suggesting 2 players) - the spec works great in PvP too, from my tests.

I think it'll make a 59DK as impressive as the one linked above ([char=us-Altar+of+Storms]Ohsocommon[/char]) - which is by far the best DK twink I've seen yet. I hope to one-up it.

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