Uhhmm wtf.

Rip said:
As for facts, they basically do have an XP from Honor system already implemented with the repeatable Call to Arms quest.

Indeed; it seems that everyone has forgotten that you can level via BG currently, so I'd not be too worried about it. Also, they (most likely) will not want to deal with the in-game issues PvP killing XP would bring; after all, a 19 could easily become a 21 in such a scenario (albeit unlikely) that would “breakâ€￾ the bracket mechanics they’ve worked so hard to perfect.

Just my two cents.
ArthurianKnight said:
Devins... actually, there are lots of AFKers, still going on, true that you can just report them but it still doesn'T kick them out !

as for research, how about you just don't tell people to shut the fuck up about how they gave their opinion on a matter because as a matter of fact i did researches and i know what i'm talking about. so don't complaint please !

As long as they are not getting an Honor / Marks I'm sure people are fine with it.
I do agree that it is a lot less then it used to be. i'm just saying its still possible and i know a few guys who actually wins all 75k honor in 1 day, by just staying there without even helping the BG.

anyway, i now know why WoW is making a lot of new changes.

there is a new game in town, much like WoW its almost a CLONE and its free. called RUNES OF MAGIC. they have many things that wow just needs to get asap. ntheir PVP is much like what it was in WoW vanilla with hero and demon states, heros = positive honor and DEMONS = negative honors.

they have dual class, not dual spec, but class, yes you can level 2 classes in one character. real good thing if you ask me, this one might actually bring a lot of WoW gamers into it.

with that in mind, of course they'd be doing dual spec, bigger backpack, we needed that a long time ago, mounts in water... that's small of a change if you ask me, experience in BG, surely not going to happen, though they could come back to the old ways of trading the 1 mark for experience. but i doubt them to switch back to that. after all as mentionned they already have it in the form of a Quest with multiple badges needed !

the only problem are marks, i think they should bump the number of marks needed. like 2 if you lose and 5 if you win. or even better make them gained by doing special things. like give one more mark to the player for each flag he brings back, give marks to those top damage and healers for being the most usefull in their group.

anything like that would work, cause Honor is faster gained then marks if you ask me.

anyway this is just my two cents.
I would rather keep the marks at 1 & 3, but make them a rep turn in. I delete prob 10 a day because there's nothing left to buy.....
not really marks either if its fine this way, i just want to receive credits when i healed the whole gorup like 3x times more then others or when i sucessfully carried a flag without getting killed.

you know gain something for doing something.
ArthurianKnight said:
ok i wasn'T there in Vanilla when XP was gained by throwing out marks.

but i had friends who were there and you know why blizzard removed it ?

simply said, the AFK IN BG ALL DAY LONG going on. people we're using BG to get levels while they were going to work. my cousin was one of the people who done it, it was simple, he had an addon that would auto-queue him auto-accept the invite when it popped and he had planned a way to make his mouse move a bit every seconds or so. thus he would never become AFK in games.

he gained like 20 fucking levels just by not sitting in front of his computer.

that's why blizzard removed the thing, i really really doubt them to be doing the same mistake twice ! though the gamne has changed and now people are able to kick people out of the BG or reports AFKers, it is still going on to this day for the honor, so now imagine if they bring back the old way of gaining XP in BG, it is madness i tell you !

as been mentionned already, the gaining levels in BG been heard about like zillions of time each fucking patches. we still not having it, so no it won't happen !

yeap, all true, blizz nerfed this system to turn in marks with AB, and WSG for faction rep. sometimes you run into a player with CONQUEROR title and has less than 10000 lifetime kills. those AFKers have a achievement that is near impossible to earn to with the rep given from WSG/AB. you will overall hit way over 100000+ before you ever see the CONQUERER title (not sure what alliance one is called)

and the other part is these AFKers were able to get PVP gear. when blizzard added 60 PVP gear, many cheaters where able to insta-pop superior or epic PVP gear. some were even able to insta gear 70's when BC rolled from AFK honor banked, rather than fix the AFK issue blizzard capped honor to 75K. in WOTLK they wipe all saved arena points, they left 75K cap to carry over, and made 80 items honor point expensive.

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