Uhhmm wtf.


Sourced from http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=5901530282&sid=1

1.3.3Q Any upcoming Battleground/Arena changes?

1.3.3A Yes, the following changes may come in the future:

Pick the size of a certain battleground (20 vs 20 for example)

Guild battlegrounds (join battlegrounds as guilds versus other guilds and introduce ratings/ranks like Arena)

Reward system will be tweaked.

Queue-up anywhere in the game.

level-up in battlegrounds.

the end?

* Long way away but i spotted this. Patch 3.4

Professions & Items

Bigger backpack (see 1.4.3)

Mounts in water (see 1.4.4)

Woodworking (see 1.4.2)
if this does happen, just get a bunch of white items, slap some prime enchants on them, and keep leveling new twinks. of course, this would suck due to the constant leveling.

we shall see once the patch comes up. they DID NOT SPECIFY HOW they are going to do it. perhaps mark turn-ins gives exp, or some similar system.
It's hard enough to get the current patch notes and you really are going to believe that garbage? Pretty nutty that the guy got MVP status and he spreads rumors like that.

Patch 3.4 ... lol
Absolutely nothing mentioned above has been said that it will certainly happen. So it's just a bunch of "we are considering" bla bla bla into the far distant future. Personally, even though the post is comming from a MVP, I have my doubts that Blizz has even talked about it. I mean lets face it, Blizzard isn't really the "plan ahead" kind of company.

So basically chill out guys, let's just take it in one patch at a time.

btw nice find User
Indeed nice find, but I doubt its worth any thing getting worked up over.

lets break things down a bit shall we?

1) Its supposdly patch 3.4..we are probably a good month from 3.1 plus all the bug fixxes regrading all the new changes that will need to be resolved.

2) Blizzard changes stuff...alot, half of the major changes suggest by Blizzard get thrown out the window or pushed back to a way later date.

3) They did not say how they plan to implement this change (remember for a long time you could turn in marks and way before that ribbons to level up, which I did quite often to enjoy my alts)

4) Blizzard isn't this dumb, even if they act/seem/called so at various times, the sheer amount of people that would drop this game like a bad habit the second twinks get XP is astounding, our community is alot bigger than you think.

5) I would be one of those people in 4 if this change was to happen, why hello WAR how have you been since I left two months ago...that or real life.

So calm down and relax, we have alot of time to see how this all pans out.
People have tryed suggest this for blizzard since the first twink in vanilla wow came, If there really dont wanna twinks they should have done this change long, long time ago and I dont see that it gonna happend now either.
This is incorrect information. Like side up top, if you have a hard time getting the new current patch notes, don't believe these ones.
EXP/Leveling in BG has been suggested countless times by players and has been sneaked into future patch notes just as many times too. Its probably nothing to worry about.

Rip said:
Blizzard isn't really the "plan ahead" kind of company.

this is kind of an underestimation, i have no doubt blizz has planned many patches into the future.
Let me rephrase. Blizzard isn't really a plan ahead kind of company when dealing with low priority issues (aka twinking). They obviously have a vision of how they want the game to be for endgame and stuff. Here's an example

Patch 2.4 (i think) removed level requirements for gathering proffessions

Patch 3.0.3 (i think) added them.
Well blizz stated at Blizzcon that the xp will be optionial like hitting an option on your minimap to get exp per kill or something along those lines. So don't be worried folks.
Unstablle said:
they said they were going to do this type of stuff a long time ago. they wont give exp just for playing in bgs, theyd lose soooo much money due to so many twinks quitting.

They can't make you level that would make this game very stupid. But they said they would either make it an option OR make it like old school days and turn in marks.
ok i wasn'T there in Vanilla when XP was gained by throwing out marks.

but i had friends who were there and you know why blizzard removed it ?

simply said, the AFK IN BG ALL DAY LONG going on. people we're using BG to get levels while they were going to work. my cousin was one of the people who done it, it was simple, he had an addon that would auto-queue him auto-accept the invite when it popped and he had planned a way to make his mouse move a bit every seconds or so. thus he would never become AFK in games.

he gained like 20 fucking levels just by not sitting in front of his computer.

that's why blizzard removed the thing, i really really doubt them to be doing the same mistake twice ! though the gamne has changed and now people are able to kick people out of the BG or reports AFKers, it is still going on to this day for the honor, so now imagine if they bring back the old way of gaining XP in BG, it is madness i tell you !

as been mentionned already, the gaining levels in BG been heard about like zillions of time each fucking patches. we still not having it, so no it won't happen !
ArthurianKnight said:
ok i wasn'T there in Vanilla when XP was gained by throwing out marks.

but i had friends who were there and you know why blizzard removed it ?

simply said, the AFK IN BG ALL DAY LONG going on. people we're using BG to get levels while they were going to work. my cousin was one of the people who done it, it was simple, he had an addon that would auto-queue him auto-accept the invite when it popped and he had planned a way to make his mouse move a bit every seconds or so. thus he would never become AFK in games.

he gained like 20 fucking levels just by not sitting in front of his computer.

that's why blizzard removed the thing, i really really doubt them to be doing the same mistake twice ! though the gamne has changed and now people are able to kick people out of the BG or reports AFKers, it is still going on to this day for the honor, so now imagine if they bring back the old way of gaining XP in BG.

as been mentionned already, the gaining levels in BG been heard about like zillions of time each fucking patches. we still not having it, so no it won't happen !

Back then you could get away with that kinda stuff now days most people who use afk bots are found in like a week or so and banned. Also I didn't just say BG mark turn in's, I also said they mentioned a toggling system where you hit an option to get xp per kill or per BG. This was on mmo-champion so long ago from the blizzcon screen shots. Also people can now report you afk and you cannot earn marks / honor with the debuff so please do a little more research.
Devins... actually, there are lots of AFKers, still going on, true that you can just report them but it still doesn'T kick them out !

as for research, how about you just don't tell people to shut the fuck up about how they gave their opinion on a matter because as a matter of fact i did researches and i know what i'm talking about. so don't complaint please !
how about you just don't tell people to shut the fuck up

chill bro

As for facts, they basically do have an XP from Honor system already implemented with the repeatable Call to Arms quest.

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