Ugh. Horde... (Pug BG Rant)

SiD Vicious

Now I'm not sure about half the battlegroups out there, but mine makes me sad.

I've played probably 50 matches in the 2-3 days. Horde has won... 7-ish?

Everyone scrambles, no one listens to the people that know what they're doing, and it's like defense is a dirty word. Does anyone else have a problem with battlegroups like this?

For example. Arathi basin has played out the same way EVERY match.

I take farm. Defend farm. Everyone else scrambles for BS/Mines. (sometimes LM rarely).

I warn people 'Allies are going to come to the farm first' and blam! 4-5 allies show up, I'm the only one on defense, and no one responds to any incomings. Soooo, I let Allies take it. Not getting farmed for my team.

Allies take farm, then concentrate on BS. We might get LM or mines, and usually get stables. STABLES? o.- Seriously?

Why take spawn points across the map? Why not defend the farm and keep shit localized? I've always found that holding the farm/bs/LM are some of the best points in a bg. 9/10 times, in games I've played, those three are a win. yet people still rush all th way across the map to take the stables, leaving bs/farm wide open.

I'm sick of joining battles and having to deal with people not defending anything and trying to capcapcap. Capping's fine, but defense is very important.

Same with Eots last night. Lost BE tower AND Fel, because everyone wanted to go to MT. I sat there alone at BE to call incomings (as I'm always on defense) and BLAM. 'herpaderpa guys, let's all go take DR and MT, only gaining one while losing two. Give Allies 3 cap!'

Sorry, this is a rant, but I'm just sick of losing BG's because people can't take five minutes to assess the situation and plot out a strategy. I've only been doing bg's from level 50+ (I have leveled from 50-70 only doing them) and even I know some of the easy strategies that horde and allies use by now.

I am not the best pvper. I'm learning my class every day. I've gotten bad days where i die 5-6-7 times, and days where I die 0 times. I still try to win bg's and try to use teamwork. I try to stick to defense and play smart.

Why can't many players on horde do the same? Being a bg hero is nothing when you end up with like 40 honor as we lose.

Maybe I need to meet some people and get into RBG's or Arenas... some place where teams play as a team. Right now, I'm truly sad aggravated by PuGs.
went from alliance to horde frostwhisper streak 31wins in bg's so far and only 1loss
Alliance tends to lose during day, but during the evening and night I win almost every BG.
i think a south park quote would do justice to how i feel when playing vs alliance at night...

"Next time let me know in advance, I'll put on lipstick so I atleast look pretty when I get ****ed"
Brale said:
i think a south park quote would do justice to how i feel when playing vs alliance at night...

"Next time let me know in advance, I'll put on lipstick so I atleast look pretty when I get ****ed"

Hahahaha! Good one, dude. I feel the same way.

Was very surprised tonight in AB, we actually had a good team. lol Horde 1600 / Allies 140! 5 capped that bish. >: )

That's the sort of teamwork I'd love to see more of.
battlegroups are merged as far as BGs go

BGs go in cycles, classes rolled, time of day, etc.

yes classes. mages/priests are gamebreaking. most of the with most wins, goes in cycles and time of day played too. seems late at night the mages seem to disappear....won't say much else on that, you should get the point.

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