UG vs RT and Real ID

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Thread title is misleading - UG had pugs too. Combined with horde's documented usage of Dragonslayer, I'm not nearly as impressed as I was originally.

Wrong. Ishape has played almost every premade for them, he is their anchor to play guilds on BH, so I wouldn't really call him a pug and anyways it would be "UG had a pug" not "UG had pugs too"

They were using elixirs and all kinds of buffs at the beginning so why should I have taken mine off? The rules were cagematch style, as decided by Sqooshi and Myrm.
I feel like the winner or loser here doesn't matter to the least bit. Unless it is 10 players within the same guild playing 10 players within the same guild or 9-9, 8-8 so on.. that it shouldn't even be a discussion on who won or who lost. Congrats to both guilds+pugs on the experience. That is all that should be said. I feel like this game could have easily been a regular pug game with people queing at the same time.
The rules were cagematch style, as decided by Sqooshi and Myrm.
The comp rules weren't established when we first set up the premade on Monday because I didn't think it was something that needs to be clarified at this point. Comp rules have been pretty much the same for every premade played by anyone this summer, and we've already played two games against Barbarous where the rules were established.
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Wrong. Ishape has played almost every premade for them, he is their anchor to play guilds on BH, so I wouldn't really call him a pug and anyways it would be "UG had a pug" not "UG had pugs too"

They were using elixirs and all kinds of buffs at the beginning so why should I have taken mine off? The rules were cagematch style, as decided by Sqooshi and Myrm.

What a joke, comparing elixirs to dragon slayer, your team knew full well that verse underground you had zero chance, so you took any competitive edge you could get, I hope underground never wastes there times with low lifes such as yourself again, you ruin the integrity of the game.
The funniest part to me is the fact that i was the only person on our whole team with a buff... which was a 6 int elixir.. in which my reasoning was i ran out of wizard oil which is 7 int so i was going to use the elixir -1 in for the scenario... i even whispered sqooshi telling him i was and that it was fine... we asked them multiple times to take off dragonslayer but uraflamer apparently "didn't have dragonslayer" anyways i think its silly yal took this serious when we were missing a couple of our key players and we had 1 ele to yals 3... most definitely not worthy for yal to trash talk on...

"They were using elixirs and all kinds of buffs at the beginning so why should I have taken mine off? The rules were cagematch style, as decided by Sqooshi and Myrm."
"all kinds of buffs" lolololololololol 1 person using elixir means that our whole team were buffed up the ass... indeed

If that isnt enough in stubs stream u even said... ishape is using an elixir so im using Dragonslayer... lmao okkk -1int=2xdragonslayer gg
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tripple ele tripple druid as well :p

LOL @ Dragonslayer in a Premade... ever.

Yep. That looks to me like a typical 19 pug. Somehow I am not surprised about any of it. The Horde team should have thrown in a couple hunters to round it out.

Myrm I commend you for continuing to queue up for the games vs these folks. Sorry to have bailed on you. I just can't be a part of a guild where GY camping is acceptable. I know you thoughts on it, but you know. I will miss you and Laurasia
whats point in posting a SS of a blowout game if it not even guild vs guiold
is this sely or fisherr

pizza xqt had dslayer and stoobs didnt have any spedpots cause he traded them to barbrus at the start (pree sure it even shows it in the stream) so who was speedpot rdruid?

edit: i undrstand ur frustration for being victim of such a monngul comp but no need to lie it jst makes ur points invlad

Sqooshi had dslayer (and speed pots, don't know if he used any), Pizza had dslayer and Uraflamer had dslayer. Also, 12:30 of Stubx's stream he used a speed pot (pree sure it even shows it in the stream).
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