Yes we're actively recruiting skilled players (and offering boosts/gear), but everyone's welcome, exactly what Cennix said. We're not pretending to be ANY kind of company, as described before. We're trying to have a good time, everyone is welcome, and exceptional players can expect an exceptional welcome. Arranged premades should have rules, but if we just happen to run into a premade of 6, and we're 1-10, we will use any consumable we deem fit. We don't have any rules for our members, apart from not prolonging games (gy farming etc), or going offmap with jumps. We're just a casual guild with loads of casual members. Until we arrange an actual 10v10 premade, horde will face a shitload of our members, all ranging from terrible to awesome. We as a guild, aren't interested in being "the best" or having "the best players EU". We want to be active, and we want to be able to compete properly.

On a side note, this bracket has become more cancerous than ever, and it's not due to playstyles. It's attitudes of people who look at twinking as a popularity contest. Play with/against whomever you want, stop instigating, and don't get butthurt over every little thing someone says or does.

Supposedly this bracket is FILLED with vanilla players, which would mean we should be at least 24 or older by now, act your damn age.

So what I've gathered from this if I'm correct and please feel free to shoot me down in flames if I have misinterpreted things and forgive my for my ignorance if I do.

-Your guild is full of some bad players and some amazing players.
-Unless you have a full ten man/if you do have a full 10 man you can use any consumable if you run into 6+ premade on the other team
'if we just happen to run into a premade of 6, and we're 1-10, we will use any consumable we deem fit.'
-Your guild doesn't want to be the best but you want to be able to compete properly.
-The bracket is worse more 'cancerous'(I'll presume you mean toxic) that back in tbc wotlk cata mop or wod.
-People are butthurt over every little thing?
(Like a post on xpoff about winning against a 10 man that consumes? stuff like that?)
Anything I've misinterpreted please let me know and correct me with how I did thank you.
Exactly so, on all points!
This is the first time in a long time you made some real sense.

@Chainz We do have a lot of players who have no clue what they're doing, both classwise and tactically. Everyone is welcome here. That doesn't mean we'll take anyone when it comes to 10v10 premades though.

Edit: Yes, the state of the bracket is worse now than it was in bc/wotlk for sure.
Exactly so, on all points!
This is the first time in a long time you made some real sense.

@Chainz We do have a lot of players who have no clue what they're doing, both classwise and tactically. Everyone is welcome here. That doesn't mean we'll take anyone when it comes to 10v10 premades though.
I'm glad you just contradicted yourself and also half of your guildies that posted in this thread and also shown your bias. Nothing more to say.
How did I contradict myself though? And I'm not here to agree with my guildies, I'm here telling you what our guild stands for. I stand up for what I feel is right, not for friends or guildies just because they're that. Everyone in this guild is free to speak their mind.
How did I contradict myself though? And I'm not here to agree with my guildies, I'm here telling you what our guild stands for. Everyone in this guild is free to speak their mind.
Okay lets go through it then since you want to be a little smart arse.

'Your guild is full of some bad players and some amazing players'
Your guilds best players are an FC who can do jumps but can't make good decisions, lies about consumable use and chokes under pressure and a mage who can't do anything to carry him. So either you have a world of amazing players I haven't seen yet or you're just being bias.

'Unless you have a full ten man/if you do have a full 10 man you can use any consumable if you run into 6+ premade on the other team'
Claiming this bracket is cancerous but by consuming with a 10 man if you run into a 6+ man is perfectly okay and won't contribute to the cancer of this bracket. Great no contradictions here. *SARCASM*.

'Your guild doesn't want to be the best but you want to be able to compete properly.'
You can't compete properly if you dont WANT to be the best - so this is just a stupid thing to say and has obvious flaws.

'The bracket is worse more 'cancerous'(I'll presume you mean toxic) that back in tbc wotlk cata mop or wod'
This just isn't true you clearly didn't check the forums in cata and mop when there was 50 threads after every pug complaining about class stacking, buffs, exploitable gear, gy containment and much more. I can't speak on TBC but from what I was told from TBC 19s in our guild, this is a complete lie for that time period also.

'-People are butthurt over every little thing?
(Like a post on xpoff about winning against a 10 man that consumes? stuff like that?)'

I made an xpoff post about winning against your DOG 10 man that consumes and couldnt even 3 cap a 7 man and your team came here crying.
I also got banned from your discord for you being butthurt over every little thing I said and claimed I instigated toxic behavior but couldn't prove it so you just banned me because you got triggered by my words and needed your safe space back. Certain people were even afraid to say my name in your discord incase they also got banned.

disgusting. sad.
Okay lets go through it then since you want to be a little smart arse.

'Your guild is full of some bad players and some amazing players'
Your guilds best players are an FC who can do jumps but can't make good decisions, lies about consumable use and chokes under pressure and a mage who can't do anything to carry him. So either you have a world of amazing players I haven't seen yet or you're just being bias.

'Unless you have a full ten man/if you do have a full 10 man you can use any consumable if you run into 6+ premade on the other team'
Claiming this bracket is cancerous but by consuming with a 10 man if you run into a 6+ man is perfectly okay and won't contribute to the cancer of this bracket. Great no contradictions here. *SARCASM*.

'Your guild doesn't want to be the best but you want to be able to compete properly.'
You can't compete properly if you dont WANT to be the best - so this is just a stupid thing to say and has obvious flaws.

'The bracket is worse more 'cancerous'(I'll presume you mean toxic) that back in tbc wotlk cata mop or wod'
This just isn't true you clearly didn't check the forums in cata and mop when there was 50 threads after every pug complaining about class stacking, buffs, exploitable gear, gy containment and much more. I can't speak on TBC but from what I was told from TBC 19s in our guild, this is a complete lie for that time period also.

'-People are butthurt over every little thing?
(Like a post on xpoff about winning against a 10 man that consumes? stuff like that?)'

I made an xpoff post about winning against your DOG 10 man that consumes and couldnt even 3 cap a 7 man and your team came here crying.
I also got banned from your discord for you being butthurt over every little thing I said and claimed I instigated toxic behavior but couldn't prove it so you just banned me because you got triggered by my words and needed your safe space back. Certain people were even afraid to say my name in your discord incase they also got banned.

disgusting. sad.

This will be the last post I'll make on this matter, else I'd be enabling you as much as everyone else here.

#1 Is my opinion. As far as I'm concerned we have some amazing and some terrible players. You're free to disagree in any way/shape/form. Too subjective to discuss further anyway.

#2 If everyone runs premades 2-10 and uses every consumables they see fit, I can't agree this is cancerous. As I said, arranged 10v10 matches should have rules, because 20 people are trying to prove a point (Who's "best" or whatever). People who ask in gchat "Anyone for wsg?" and end up with 2-10 players are free to do whatever they want. People can make their own choices and are accountable for their own actions. This is different from encouraging players to use consumables.

#3 We as a guild aren't tryharding to be #1 or anything. We like to play wsg because we enjoy playing with each other, and enjoy playing our class. Every player in the history of wsg plays it to win it, so obviously we do too. Because we're such a casual-based guild, we can't expect to be >the best<. We like to win, but we're realistic. Just competing is different than competing at the highest level. Not every soccer player in the world could compete with high-end players, but they can still play and have fun.

#4 Different people will tell you different versions. I'm sharing my views from my own experience. This level of toxicity was never a part of the Cyclone EU battlegroup. There were several competitive guilds around on both horde and alliance. We planned games and had tons of fun. There were some bragging threads back on pwndepot/twinkinfo but nothing really toxic compared to what we have now. Can't say this without pointing fingers, but it feels a bit like "US" behaviour. Ofc not everyone from the US is like this, but it's a certain mindset that we didn't really have here before.

#5 Like I said, people are free to post whatever they want. If anyone from our guild feels the need to cry on xpoff about others, they're free to do so. If they resort to toxic behaviour or bullying, we will act accordingly. Personally I don't feel the need to QQ about games, unless my opponent is exploiting or prolonging games, and even then I'll often let it slide anyway, just to avoid more negativity.

#6 It's easy to disregard someones points by saying they're just "butthurt". In an attempt to maintain some maturity on our discord (so it doesn't turn into another toxic-teen-shithole) I warned you about your way of communicating with others. You chose not to listen and kept on instigating/provoking others. Everyone is free to discuss whatever they want on our discord, without your level of toxicity.

You're infamous for trolling and just being a very negative factor in the twinking scene. I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve but I know that we don't want to be part of whatever it is you represent. I'll say it once more because odds are you missed it the first time around, this will be my last post on the matter. You're more than welcome to PM me on the matter but I can't point fingers at you for being toxic if I'm the one that keeps feeding you.
This will be the last post I'll make on this matter, else I'd be enabling you as much as everyone else here.

#1 Is my opinion. As far as I'm concerned we have some amazing and some terrible players. You're free to disagree in any way/shape/form. Too subjective to discuss further anyway.

#2 If everyone runs premades 2-10 and uses every consumables they see fit, I can't agree this is cancerous. As I said, arranged 10v10 matches should have rules, because 20 people are trying to prove a point (Who's "best" or whatever). People who ask in gchat "Anyone for wsg?" and end up with 2-10 players are free to do whatever they want. People can make their own choices and are accountable for their own actions. This is different from encouraging players to use consumables.

#3 We as a guild aren't tryharding to be #1 or anything. We like to play wsg because we enjoy playing with each other, and enjoy playing our class. Every player in the history of wsg plays it to win it, so obviously we do too. Because we're such a casual-based guild, we can't expect to be >the best<. We like to win, but we're realistic. Just competing is different than competing at the highest level. Not every soccer player in the world could compete with high-end players, but they can still play and have fun.

#4 Different people will tell you different versions. I'm sharing my views from my own experience. This level of toxicity was never a part of the Cyclone EU battlegroup. There were several competitive guilds around on both horde and alliance. We planned games and had tons of fun. There were some bragging threads back on pwndepot/twinkinfo but nothing really toxic compared to what we have now. Can't say this without pointing fingers, but it feels a bit like "US" behaviour. Ofc not everyone from the US is like this, but it's a certain mindset that we didn't really have here before.

#5 Like I said, people are free to post whatever they want. If anyone from our guild feels the need to cry on xpoff about others, they're free to do so. If they resort to toxic behaviour or bullying, we will act accordingly. Personally I don't feel the need to QQ about games, unless my opponent is exploiting or prolonging games, and even then I'll often let it slide anyway, just to avoid more negativity.

#6 It's easy to disregard someones points by saying they're just "butthurt". In an attempt to maintain some maturity on our discord (so it doesn't turn into another toxic-teen-shithole) I warned you about your way of communicating with others. You chose not to listen and kept on instigating/provoking others. Everyone is free to discuss whatever they want on our discord, without your level of toxicity.

You're infamous for trolling and just being a very negative factor in the twinking scene. I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve but I know that we don't want to be part of whatever it is you represent. I'll say it once more because odds are you missed it the first time around, this will be my last post on the matter. You're more than welcome to PM me on the matter but I can't point fingers at you for being toxic if I'm the one that keeps feeding you.

#2 Why don't you make a rule 'don't use consumables, 1 warning then you get gkicked' that's what a lot of casual guilds have done and it works great. The consumables from the best of my knowledge that are acceptable are Mana Pots, Health Pots Bandages and Bombs. You should enforce this to prevent the overuse of them. If you don't see a problem with everyone consuming left and right then no wonder you also think a lot of your guildies are good. You're fully delirious

#3 This is such a silly thing to say really. Basically saying we're trying our best to win but when we don't we can fall back on us saying we're casual and not trying to be the best. It's a cop out. Stop.

#4 There's competitive behavior in any sport. If someone trash talked me I'd make it my mission to farm them and win against them consistently. This causes games to be better in my opinion because people have actual motivation to win. I guess if you don't see it that way you just haven't played anything competitively.

#5 I would personally try and stop my guildies crying about things and debate them on it to see if they can either convince me they're right to or me convince them they're wrong to. Guess you don't want to do that fair enough. But I think that would be a better option in the long run but do what you want.

#6 I never called anyone in your guild bad I never said anything toxic the worst thing I said is that your 8-9 consuming man couldn't capture a flag vs a 4 man in 34 minutes? Or something wild like that. Anything else is you presuming the worst and that is on YOU for being excessively sensitive as I was very careful with my words. I may be infamous for trolling but the only people who think I'm a negative factor on this scene are people who are either over sensitive or have 2 personas and act differently towards me. Sounds like you're speaking for your guild also here even though everyone speaks for themselves as you said?
What I stand for is making everyone a better player including myself and making games more enjoyable, if I see people are doing the opposite I will do what needs to be done.
#1 Is my opinion. As far as I'm concerned we have some amazing and some terrible players. You're free to disagree in any way/shape/form. Too subjective to discuss further anyway.

#3 We as a guild aren't tryharding to be #1 or anything. We like to play wsg because we enjoy playing with each other, and enjoy playing our class. Every player in the history of wsg plays it to win it, so obviously we do too. Because we're such a casual-based guild, we can't expect to be >the best<. We like to win, but we're realistic.

So, as a mod, should I change this

Recruiting: Skilled players of all classes/specs. Preferrably non-rogue though!


Recruiting: Anyone, both amazing and terrible players. Players that are realistic (because can't beat everyone ^^) and doesn't want to improve to be a better competitive guild in the EU scene. Stacking hunters more than rogue tho.

Let me know ^^
That depends if you consider changing recruitment ads part of your role as a Private Server Coordinator.
Everyone is free to speedpot and rocket boots if they wanna crutch on consumeables because they can’t win without, but should be expected to be flamed to the grave
some nice people in the guild just shame about quack
oh well guess I gotta take some responsibility raising him from age 11.


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