Power, if a company has volunteer roles available, typically they will post an advert for a job where the ideal candidate who has X Y Z. Yet if people are volunteering they aren't going to get turned down.

Just because we are recruiting skilled players of all classes doesn't mean we won't recruit other people and try to engage them in (the nicer part) of the community.

Not the best analogy but point being this is just sad, of course we want skilled players and in many cases we have fully funded and supported those who have proven themselves.

Also 10 people online is 10+ people online despite your pedanticism.

Edited for clarity.
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Power, if a company has a job available, typically they will post an advert for a job where the ideal candidate who has X Y Z. Yet in reality they take what they can. Just because we are recruiting skilled players of all classes doesn't mean we won't recruit other people and try to engage them in (the nicer part) of the community.

Also 10 people online is 10+ people online despite your pedanticism.

Depend of the company. If the company is a luxury, a well known, and a trustfull company and aim for the best of their workers of course they won't take "what they can". Because they'll actually have the people asking to enter in it.
If you are some wannabe, some low category, and not trustfull company, of course you'll be lieing and accepting everyone in your company even scam them if it's possible.

You see, you do whatever with your guild but you just have shown that your guild isn't really a big relevant one and none will give a fuck later on. Pyrewood's guild seemed to be the guild to be in after reading things on discord/xpoff saying it prolly was the most active one on EU. But yeah it seems like it won't last forever especially with this kind of mentality.

It will just be a "come everyone we are funding everyone who wants" and we all know that those guilds never last ^^
We aren't going to sideline people out of the community just to appear like a "luxury" guild. We are the biggest Ally guild on EU and I'd argue the most active one altogether and generally we have better compositions and players online than today. Sometimes we find gems in those randoms and maybe you shouldn't be so fast to bite a hand that feeds the community with new players.

Silverwing is a great guild and I have met tons of new friends here, but just as you wouldn't judge Liverpool on their B team or academy products don't judge us before even engaging in actual 10v10 premades. We have plenty of players with pedigree past and present and given time to gel we will certainly be strong competitors.
i dont quite understand why you’re so toxic to the guild. it was a decent game and skullflame undoubtedly played better overall and hence won; don’t think anyone is disputing that.

a majority if not all allys on the screenshot you posted have horde 19s but activevly chose to queue ally in hopes of better/more competitive games (which is something skullflame players appear to promote). but if after every game you’re just gonna spew toxic shit over the same people who are trying to accomplish better faction balance it’s just gonna result in people not queueing on ally since they naturally cba being shittalked after every single game.
tell me at what point in that game i used either of those, yet you were still spamming it
this doesn't really have anything to do with you other than the fact you we're playing with the people in question. If you're tilted because I spat on a few of your guildies and you think that's toxic then I'm genuinely sorry but the amount of consumes you used as a team that game literally made china's economy boom.
this doesn't really have anything to do with you other than the fact you we're playing with the people in question. If you're tilted because I spat on a few of your guildies and you think that's toxic then I'm genuinely sorry but the amount of consumes you used that game literally made china's economy boom.

Don’t worry i’m not tilted in the slightest just noting you moaning about toxicity really

And I agree a lot of them love a consumable but 80% of your guild are the exact same.
If you spit on a speedpotter you are just lubing them up and making them more slippery

Fuel for the fire
Be happy with your win it was actually a gg but I genuinely don't think you want to be a dick to everyone in our guild. I just think you're punching down on certain people and the collateral will result in nobody wanting to play alliance anymore. It's hard enough to motivate people as it is.

this doesn't really have anything to do with you other than the fact you we're playing with the people in question. If you're tilted because I spat on a few of your guildies and you think that's toxic then I'm genuinely sorry but the amount of consumes you used as a team that game literally made china's economy boom.

So it's OK for you to be a dick if they use consumables, but when Quack is being a dick because you're 10 man used them it's not OK?
So it's OK for you to be a dick if they use consumables, but when Quack is being a dick because you're 10 man used them it's not OK?
Quack knows I told people in my team not to use them - regardless of what I say they did. I'm not GM I guess they don't have to listen to me but would have made me look like less of a hypocrite if they actually did. In a crazy plot twist it turns out i'm the toxic one who would have thought?
Yes we're actively recruiting skilled players (and offering boosts/gear), but everyone's welcome, exactly what Cennix said. We're not pretending to be ANY kind of company, as described before. We're trying to have a good time, everyone is welcome, and exceptional players can expect an exceptional welcome. Arranged premades should have rules, but if we just happen to run into a premade of 6, and we're 1-10, we will use any consumable we deem fit. We don't have any rules for our members, apart from not prolonging games (gy farming etc), or going offmap with jumps. We're just a casual guild with loads of casual members. Until we arrange an actual 10v10 premade, horde will face a shitload of our members, all ranging from terrible to awesome. We as a guild, aren't interested in being "the best" or having "the best players EU". We want to be active, and we want to be able to compete properly.

On a side note, this bracket has become more cancerous than ever, and it's not due to playstyles. It's attitudes of people who look at twinking as a popularity contest. Play with/against whomever you want, stop instigating, and don't get butthurt over every little thing someone says or does.

Supposedly this bracket is FILLED with vanilla players, which would mean we should be at least 24 or older by now, act your damn age.
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