There's still the old in-game horde comm for 50s/60s/now 70s, I'm not sure if there's an alliance one still. I've seen a number of runs posted there. Although this time around, our BiS gear (besides 545s) is entirely from dungeons.
Would be amazing to have something like scheduled DOTI hard mode runs. Sadly my occupation is such that I can't personally commit to a set schedule, though.
Updated the guide with some info on world events which I neglected to notice the first time.
480 loot caches are on a rotation based on the season the event came from (1 2 or 3). There seems to be a fourth week where all 9 events are dropping caches, but still testing the theory (this is based on the fact that I actually received all 9 caches in one week when I initially tested post-TWW)