Havoc DH i just made:
There's still the old in-game horde comm for 50s/60s/now 70s, I'm not sure if there's an alliance one still. I've seen a number of runs posted there. Although this time around, our BiS gear (besides 545s) is entirely from there still a community for running raids dedicated to 70’s? a weekly run schedule would help with gearing.
great job!! how much time did you spend on it and did you farm all your gear from doti ?Havoc DH i just made:
only took me 2 hours from nothing at all, just got my main account to solo doti hard mode, and then 1 full heroic clear for the left over sparks,great job!! how much time did you spend on it and did you farm all your gear from doti ?
how did you keep ur alt alive i mean i think to be able to get any loot from the bosses you have to deal damage to boss but in hard mode we have to do the dung deathless and the alt will die if u want to attack the boss in hard modeonly took me 2 hours from nothing at all, just got my main account to solo doti hard mode, and then 1 full heroic clear for the left over sparkshow
thx man !Hard mode and deathless are not the same thing. Your alt can die on every boss and still get the 509 loot. We do it all the time.
Deathless is yet another extra difficulty, theoretically yielding ilvl 522 from the last boss? I don't actually know, because I suck and keep failing it. =P
daam nice lock so wish i could get full 545 ilvl gear too on my guardian druid but it cost way way to much to get so many 545 iteamsIf you would like a 545 geared 70 example you can use my 70 Warlock - Nuulfelster
Fun fact, this is my ORIGINAL and very first Wow character I ever made (see my tabbard)
I was an Alliance Gnome back then, but 'Times Change" as the Orcs say.
Mostly used for solo PVE or when I need a break from my 11, but I do occasionally step in to BG, just not that often.
While it wont really help anyone trying to make a new 70, and there is nothing all that unique or special about my setup, other than a few tert procs, I did manage to get a full set before they became near impossible, or at least prohibitively expensive to obtain.
If this is not what you are looking for, then feel free to ignore.
Armory link update (Surv)MM Hunter:
Mainly use her for boosting and farming (speed set with azerite and such)
Sadly i never managed to find a good cloak >_< need to put some effort in and getting a better one ^_^
Error 404 :/Better late than never : Shaman
Spicey. Updated!Armory link update (Surv)
Making good progress! Nice that you found a weapon and socket bracers/belt.For MOP Remix 70s the ilvl of the gear your character is given is 467 which isnt a bad start!
My 70 DK Im trying to gear:ðäddy
Updated again sorry…Error 404 :/
Spicey. Updated!
Making good progress! Nice that you found a weapon and socket bracers/belt.
I also want to draw attention to the newly available iLvL 584/652 PvP trinkets available in the AH. These are currently overpriced on most realms, so use Undermine Exchange to find the cheapest. Prices should decrease significantly later in the season. The guide now reflects this as well.
Not directly, no. There are no awakened raids any more. Instead, you can get S4 gear from the world event caches (480+), mythic dungeons (493), and Dawn of the Infinites hard mode (509), which you can then convert at the catalyst into LFR, Normal, and Heroic S4 tier pieces respectively (although that distinction is more or less irrelevant outside of maybe collecting source IDs - the appearances themselves are all from S1-S3, and the pieces count for the set bonus all the same).do df season 4 tier pieces still drop?
are the hard mode instances able to be solod by an 80 dps or is a tank class recommended?Not directly, no. There are no awakened raids any more. Instead, you can get S4 gear from the world event caches (480+), mythic dungeons (493), and Dawn of the Infinites hard mode (509), which you can then convert at the catalyst into LFR, Normal, and Heroic S4 tier pieces respectively (although that distinction is more or less irrelevant outside of maybe collecting source IDs - the appearances themselves are all from S1-S3, and the pieces count for the set bonus all the same).
Sorry, I can't really answer that one, you'll have to wait for someone who has TWW and level 80s. All the runs I've been in had either more than one level 80, or at least 3 geared 70s actively participating in the mechanics. That said, I presume bosses #1, #2, #5, #6, and #7 should be soloable at 80 as a dps with some survivability (you can only do hard mode as a whole, in one sitting - although a restart can be cheesed, you still need to re-kill the previous bosses again, so it's not worth it).are the hard mode instances able to be solod by an 80 dps or is a tank class recommended?
Tank is the safer bet, particularly for the first boss which has some chunky tank busters, but DPS is great if you nail mechanics. @drake178 said most of it- boss 3, 4, and the final boss will present real issues for anyone trying to solo with a single level 80 and a passice 70 carry-on. 3 essentially becomes a DPS race which we may be able to outgear later this season or next season (go DPS spec), 4 requires priest guardian angel or a pally bubble to protect Chromie from dying (I'm not sure if pally bubble works, actually), and the final boss just causes an obscene amount of damage (tank spec probably neccessary again).are the hard mode instances able to be solod by an 80 dps or is a tank class recommended?
you can solo it on a 80 as dps or tank, if you had decent gear in season 1 it was a breeze the only boss that was hard was 3rd/4th and only because chromie could die, but there was strats around it with 2nd accounts / and or pally healing chromie in between damage ticks. oh and 3rd was a headache because of a mind control mechanic but how i played around it was having my 70 2nd account go tank spec then i would ping pong the debuff onto him whilst keeping him alive with the 80, but now i'd say go dps spec for 3rd in season 2 and brute force him before MC comes outare the hard mode instances able to be solod by an 80 dps or is a tank class recommended?