Two potential specs for 39 PoD Warrior?


The thought of having death wish, piercing howl, enrage, and imp. intercept is really fantastic. I really do love both trees. I personally think tact. mastery is too important to not get, making the argument for getting flurry a little difficult to make.

But on the other hand, sweeping strikes and imp. OP are huge too.

would love to discuss and throw some thoughts back and forth.
I've talked about this in other threads but here's my hot take: not enough crit to make Fury sing. You'll be lucky to push 12% whereas arms build can get you 16% with 66% Overpowers. There is a hybrid piercing howl build that is viable as well.
I've talked about this in other threads but here's my hot take: not enough crit to make Fury sing. You'll be lucky to push 12% whereas arms build can get you 16% with 66% Overpowers. There is a hybrid piercing howl build that is viable as well.

It really stinks. I would kill for death wish and imp. intercept, but it's so hard to not take that higher crit rate with imp. OP.
I agree with the crit analysis; but i'm fairly certain 12% is on the low end of crit % for 39s? I think it can easily be pushed higher, but maybe that was a p-server thing.

The 25/5/0 is the standard and also i think a p-howl hybrid is super viable as well.

Personally, I'd love to see a high crit % warrior running around with PoD and stacks of rage potions using the Slam (0/30/0) spec. It's hilarious
I agree with the crit analysis; but i'm fairly certain 12% is on the low end of crit % for 39s? I think it can easily be pushed higher, but maybe that was a p-server thing.

The 25/5/0 is the standard and also i think a p-howl hybrid is super viable as well.

Personally, I'd love to see a high crit % warrior running around with PoD and stacks of rage potions using the Slam (0/30/0) spec. It's hilarious
Getting any higher than ~15-17% crit on a warrior requires multiple, dubious gear choices.
I agree with the crit analysis; but i'm fairly certain 12% is on the low end of crit % for 39s? I think it can easily be pushed higher, but maybe that was a p-server thing.

The 25/5/0 is the standard and also i think a p-howl hybrid is super viable as well.

Personally, I'd love to see a high crit % warrior running around with PoD and stacks of rage potions using the Slam (0/30/0) spec. It's hilarious

Is slam a thing on a 39? Kidding aside, would a slam fury warrior be insane ?
So here's your best bet for a Slam build, but it's tough because you get all the way to Flurry and can only spend two points in it if you want Imp Intercept as well. You will probably wreck casters with this build, although as I've said before you'll be sitting at like 12% crit which isn't really enough to make Fury take off. You will also be very vulnerable to rogues and other warriors.

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