Twinks Unite.. time to get BGs working again.

For most of us the recent patch and the No-XP option has meant no more BGs. I know all of us have put a lot of effort into creating our twinks and building a community we can play with. There's no other way to view this than a bug in their patch, turning off XP shouldn't prevent 90% of our community from playing BGs.

I've been talking to Blizzard and other GMs, they're taking this seriously and monitoring the situation but now is our chance to be heard.

Take a few minutes and do one of the following:

  1. Post on the Blizzard Suggestion forum. You can see several threads on this topic already, add your post or start a new thread.
  2. Email a WoW GM at, let them know that the recent change is reducing your enjoyment of the game and you want to see a change.
  3. Create a ticket, the more tickets Blizzard receives the more awareness they'll have of the issue.
  4. Phone Blizzard, 1-949-955-1382 the more calsl they get the more they'll understand that there is a problem.

I work for a large software company and believe me, if we released something that had this kind of impact and heard from our most important users that they were this unhappy we would be working around the clock to implement a solution. Let them know that we're out there and they'll fix things.

Let's get back to BGing again!
Cheers, man. People need to actively address this company that effectively acts as a monthly videogame utility provider. In other words "Less QQ, more pew pew" =)

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