Twinks Tweenty recruiting twinks to play in xp on bgs!

Hurpdurp said:
@ Subpar: This argument was sparked off by people basically calling RC-ST a retard.

Well, he IS European...


*edit* But seriously, he is a twink. Hes just a scrubby twink, noskill, S key, etc, uknow
haha, me not a twink?


i got the rarerst items ever on my twink which are avenger chest and pugilist bracer... you would know how rare they are if anyone would have a warr twink 29

anyway, twinks are twinks if they have a very good gear and play in bgs

snob twinks are twinks with a good gear who stay on the forums and give advices and never play with their twinks

if you would at least come in a xp on bg with your snob twink you will have a surprise

you won t pwn the entire bg even if most of them are level 25

you will probably pwn 2-3 enemies in the same time, but they will respawn very quickly and they will pwn you

and you always have to watch the flag, if someone scores, you are doomed.

and if you steal flag and start farming, in 5 min 10 enemies will jump on you and pwn the hell out of you

even in a 1vs2 fight you could loose if the enemies are 2 level 25 hunters... and you know why?! cause they do a lot of damage, and even if you have 2000 hp, a hunter level 25 does a lot of damage!
RC-ST. said:
haha, me not a twink?


i got the rarerst items ever on my twink which are avenger chest and pugilist bracer... you would know how rare they are if anyone would have a warr twink 29

Yorgen Bracers > Pugilist Bracers

Raptor Hunter's Tunic > Avengers Armor.

Just because the piece is rare, doesn't mean it's good.


^ a REAL 29 warrior twink.

BoA > Corpsemaker > Crap on the side of the road > TLA.
Sanitarium said:
Yorgen Bracers > Pugilist Bracers

Raptor Hunter's Tunic > Avengers Armor.

Just because the piece is rare, doesn't mean it's good.


^ a REAL 29 warrior twink.

BoA > Corpsemaker > Crap on the side of the road > TLA.

sooooo true
hey last time i check didn't RC-ST get banned at one point? or did he like suck drayner's dick again or something to get unbanned? Seeing how everysingle post he makes just spews faggot,
Ugarak said:
hey last time i check didn't RC-ST get banned at one point? or did he like suck drayner's dick again or something to get unbanned?
Same for IAT then, US player?
RC-ST. said:
fighting in xp off it s not an option

first of all - no bg xp off are on my realms (spinebreaker balnazar) and i don t want to transfer and make devillzard insane rich

second - even the xp off bg are dead - heared there is one game per week ... eventually no one will ever logg there

RC; I rolled a DK in Nightfall, leveled him to 80, maxed herbalism and skinning, started farming emblems, and now I have BoAs and gear for 4 twinks, and enough gold for enchants to go around.

The new LFG tool gives 13 gold per run, not including gear drops and money from mobs.

I did all of this in a matter of three weeks. Sure, I've since transferred two 39 twinks to NF--but even if I had not, I'm well on my way to rerolling new twinks on a more active Battlegroup.

Your "no xp is not an option" argument holds not water.
It's not like playing the AH is hard or anything...
elocon said:
What if he dont got wotlk and bc then?

Then it really, really sucks to be him.

That not withstanding, if he spent more time leveling and less time trying to figure out how to cheat the system, he'd be 60 and farming for gold, too.
Cptheal said:
i lold. aside from no one doing XP bgs now that there is xrealm instances...YOU ARE NOT A TWINK IF YOU ARE NOT IN GOOD GEAR AND PLAY ON XP BGS. srsly yall r scrubs

Fuck, thats a good point.

Semes like xp bg's and non xp bg's lack people. Why dont they just fucking merge them like before.
Cause blizzard thinks thats what people want. And in some ways it is =/
Anybody else willing to play in XP BG? Cylcone battlegroup EU, not necessarly just Spinebreaker. Both Alliance & Horde welcome.

Feel free to post, don't be shy. Or private message me or RC-ST. Or in game Donniedarkõ @ Ravencrest EU Horde.

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