Twinks say the darndest things


I felt bad about deleting people's likes, so I moved some off topic posts and replies to the off topic posts here. Experimental solution.


Did you mean this intro?


Oh well. Dancing!
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Off topic things

I recently had this idea spurring that made me think that maybe people would be interested in teaching and learning. The school it self would be threw duels. The idea would be that a group of people would meet a few days a week at a specified time and location. Then they proceed to duel each other. Each dueler giving each other tips how they can beat them until they are playing the best they can against that particular player/class.

When talking this idea over with a friend of mine he said that it would be awesome to make it into a ladder kind of thing. And if someone wants to take this idea and make it into more of a competition there more than welcome. But me personally I would rather see this as a way to learn your class better. with enough interest People could greatly improve as they duel different kinds of players and class and learn common mistakes most people make while playing the classes.

Here is what I wrote down as a set of rules for my Own.


The Idea behind this dueling club will be to teach people what to do against certain classes you will face against.
As players improve we will progress to Arenas and 5v5 war games.


Only one duel at a time. (The point of this is for the group to identify the problem areas and work on them. If everyone is dueling they won’t be able to watch and help the duelers improve.)

There will be no bragging or speaking about the duels that happen during the club times outside club times (you can talk about the duels when the group is together during the duels but not later.)

You are expected to take Criticism when defeated, and make suggestions to the players you defeat. It goes for the other way around also. If the person that is defeated has suggestions to the player that won. The winner is expected to listen. (Just because you won does not mean you dueled perfectly)

In the event of winning the duel, some celebration is allowed to a point (Its good to be proud and confident, but no extreme unsportsmanlike conduct that would be considered rude.)

If the match is a draw (takes longer than 5 minutes) each player will give the other a suggestion on what they could have done to defeat them.

All duels will happen even if there is a imbalance of classes. (Example Warrior vs Hpally/Druid)

Players watching the duels are encouraged to couch the duelers.


And finally and most importantly. Dont duel if your not having fun. Your not going to improve if your confidence is no where to be found. If your in a bad mood just don't come, it will only cause drama and the duels will suffer.

I want to get away from the fear of dueling. because often the repercussions of doing a duel means you will be trolled/bashed cause you loss to this or that player. I wanna provide a worry free environment where people want to learn not a epeen stroking flame fest. Any Ideas or Suggestions would greatly be welcomed. Feel free to PM me or reply in this thread

first lesson of the day, dont drink the bongwater
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Re: Twink Fight Club or Twink School

The thread title just reeks of Ore.
Twink Fight Club or Twink School

I saw the word "school" I didn't read any further but good luck anyways

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