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Diiesel said:
You think your screenshots are bad, we ran into a Horde pug that put 3 priests and 2 holy paladins as their defense. We couldnt do a thing about it because half of our alliance team was 900 hp scrub rogues.

The screenshot were just posted to prove a point. Which was that people love trolling alot more than an actual real thread. They are irrevelant to this thread
19 twinks were really popular back in the day and the stats scaled perfect, the community was competitive and we had 30+ minute games in pugs. The play was just real back then, and I think people downplay 19 right now due to older players miss the slower paced play. But in all honesty, I think I just play 19s to try to live the old days again.

But that will never happen :(
Foreign said:
19 twinks were really popular back in the day and the stats scaled perfect, the community was competitive and we had 30+ minute games in pugs. The play was just real back then, and I think people downplay 19 right now due to older players miss the slower paced play. But in all honesty, I think I just play 19s to try to live the old days again.

But that will never happen :(

The only thing I don't miss about those days is the constant exploit of terrain, you had to become a master at walljumping or the game wouldn't end because some dumbass though it he was special for being able to wall jump . But yea that was pretty fun , people were going for the flag but they weren't that crazy about it either with a massive zerg.
The timer gave the community a "hurry up and win" attitude. That and the fact that you can kill the queues with one good GY farm session seems to have made more people more objective-oriented. These days seems like people care a hell of a lot more about caps, returns, and win/loss ratio than KBs and damage/healing.
Rivfader said:
The timer gave the community a "hurry up and win" attitude. That and the fact that you can kill the queues with one good GY farm session seems to have made more people more objective-oriented. These days seems like people care a hell of a lot more about caps, returns, and win/loss ratio than KBs and damage/healing.

As much as I like to troll by posting screenshot of insane dmg or kbs , I don't really care about them either. Infact I don't care about both of those. All I want is a good fight with balanced team, its too easy in this bracket for certain class to just kite people and run by. Specially without mount and most class having no slow or CC.

I guess I just wished the FC would turn around sometime to help his teamate rather than just going straight for the flag room. I can't force people to do what they don't want to do and its alright, I wasn't expecting to change anything by making this thread. I just wanted to know why that goal of winning 3-0 so fast was so important in the 19s bracket.
Damage and healing is almost meaningless in Wsg. This thread has no point other than to troll so even though you say it is not a troll post, it is.

But to other people who want to talk about the subject of Warcong GY farming...

I have to agree with Pizza the point of warsong is CTF (CAPTURE THE FLAG) doing anything else you are doing it wrong. You don't like CTF well then go outside and look for people to kill on your server. OR do wargames so you have a true death match then take screen shots of it.

At your Screenshot of Pizza and Beau

Just a btw 3 people can carry the other 7 but most of the time they will fail if the other team has overall better players.

Farming is just Bad because then when the tables are turned on you... You would wish horde would cap the flag instead of mindlessly farming you.

It is obvious that people will stop queuing if you start farming them i know i would just leave the game the moment i see my team getting farmed i would much rather not queue for 15 minutes than wait for X minutes for alliance to cap the 3rd flag.
Nohealsforju said:
Farming is just Bad because then when the tables are turned on you... You would wish horde would cap the flag instead of mindlessly farming you.

It is obvious that people will stop queuing if you start farming them i know i would just leave the game the moment i see my team getting farmed i would much rather not queue for 15 minutes than wait for X minutes for alliance to cap the 3rd flag.

Not true and you didn't read the thread at all , never once did I mention farming was good. Please refrain from posting and acting like you know everything without reading. But seeing as you are a troll I guess you were just trolling o well.

But thank you for your useless comment.
Lindenkron is always the last to post. Bro is working overtime lately with all these troll threads.
Seleyzor said:
I love fighting good premade that I know will actually fight rather than just going for the zerg 3-0 super fast

If this is the case, why arn't you in a premading guild instead of pugging 2 people and being a pocket healer with a warrior who's only obvious goal is being top in damage. Perhaps I don't get it?
You're all dumb and bad. Stop flooding my personal email inbox with useless crap when clearly none of us care about some R1 account buyers.
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