The OG Jamesb
Twinks Eat Twinkies
Recruiting more skilled players for a premade minded, no bullshit guild. We're in team speak constantly and always improving as a group, sharing tips, macros, etc. we only run WSG with the right comps, otherwise we are queuing 2s or AB and recently EOTS (I'm personally not a fan of that one.)
Anyways, we're here for one thing and that is to premade. The guild is extremely elitist. We do not sponsor, however, we do have some gear and enchants that players can have if they need them but we don't keep stock for anyone on purpose. Talk to the Chinese they can help you out.
Hmu Zerkerjerker#1228
Recruiting more skilled players for a premade minded, no bullshit guild. We're in team speak constantly and always improving as a group, sharing tips, macros, etc. we only run WSG with the right comps, otherwise we are queuing 2s or AB and recently EOTS (I'm personally not a fan of that one.)
Anyways, we're here for one thing and that is to premade. The guild is extremely elitist. We do not sponsor, however, we do have some gear and enchants that players can have if they need them but we don't keep stock for anyone on purpose. Talk to the Chinese they can help you out.
Hmu Zerkerjerker#1228